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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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阿特拉斯·科普柯的新型 TwinAir™ 提供创纪录的空气流量 12/4/2007 8:11:00 PM

阿特拉斯·科普柯的新型 TwinAir™ 提供创纪录的空气流量

Atlas Copco’s new TwinAir™ range of containerized air compressors introduces revolutionary concept to offer the largest volume of air flow at up to 1058 l/s (2232 cfm). At the same time it provides the smallest footprint at low and high pressure for specialized drilling, mining, pipeline contractors and the oil and gas industries.

阿特拉斯·科普柯的新型 TwinAir™ 系列空气压缩机专门为满足专业钻探、采矿、管道和石油和天然气工业的高需求量而设计,从而提高压缩机容量和生产率。
其经过特别设计的 20ft ISO 集装箱内部具有两台独立运行的压缩机,它们具有互连空气出口,无论在高压还是低压下,它均可用作坚固、节能且安全的增强型空气供应机组。
阿特拉斯·科普柯 XAH 1066 (XAH 2250 CD6) 机型在工作压力为 12 bar (175 psi) 时提供的总排气量 (f.a.d.) 为 1058 l/s (2232 cfm)。
XRV 946 (XRV 2000 CD6) 在工作压力为 25 bar (365 psi) 时提供的 排气量为 936 l/s (1975 cfm)。
All models operate at an ambient temperature of -10°C to 50°C (16°F to 122°F) and an altitude of up to 3000 m. With cold start equipment the units can operate at a minimum temperature of – 25°C (-13° F).
Two versions of the new range are available including a standard ‘build’ for the on shore drilling and construction-related applications. An upgraded version is also available for the offshore industry meeting all the necessary certification for a rig safe machine.

内置于专门设计的符合 ISO 尺寸的集装箱中,确保安装速度最快、调试时间最短。
CSC approval means that the unit is easily and legally transportable as container cargo resulting in reduced transportation costs. The containerized unit also features fork lift slots and lifting eyes for ease of mobility on-site and loading onto, for example, flat bed trucks.
在进行存储或者空间成为首要考虑因素时,TwinAir™ 还能提供极佳的堆叠能力,最多可堆叠三个标准机组或八个海上机组。

Air outlets are fitted at both ends of the container together with a large grating for efficient air intake. A double ceiling within the container provides separation of the cold intake air channel and hot air outlet improving the ambient condition performance.

The containers also feature stainless steel door locks and hinges to provide additional corrosion resistance and added security. Door safe-hooks also help to avoid accidental closure when servicing.

Prime power is provided by two Caterpillar C13 Acert, six cylinder in-line diesel engines each rated at 328 kW (440 hp) to provide a combined total of 656 kW (880 hp) at 1600 rpm. The engines meet stage 3A (EU)/Tier III (EPA) legislation.
Fuel coolers fitted as standard, increase fuel efficiency and performance of both engines. Over speed protection/intake shutdown controls also prevent engine over runs and three standard emergency stop buttons can disable both power-plants.

Large service doors provide easy access for walk-in servicing and maintenance. The open layout design allows the technician to stand up and move around the interior of the container.
人机工程学设计的内置阶梯系统可通往箱顶,便于保养,同时自供电内部照明系统允许执行一天 24 小时,一周 7 天的全天候保养操作。


整个 TwinAir™ 机组的优质构件确保能延长使用寿命。
Air filters are service friendly for disassembly and reassembly plus all inlet pipes are protected against sharp edges and heat deformation.Heavy duty, 2-stage specially impregnated air filters are fitted for the offshore version.

此燃料箱具有高达 1800 升 (476 US Gal) 的组合容量,足以让 TwinAir™ 在满载时持续运行 9 小时。
All models are fitted with a quick coupling external fuel connection for linking to an external fuel tank for continuous operation. The oil separator element has a lifetime of 1000 hours.

TwinAir™ 还另外提供多种可选件,可进一步提升机组性能并满足应用领域的特定要求。
Oiltronix™ 可保证压缩空气系统中几乎没有水分,因此能延长转子使用寿命。
FuelXpert™ 在部分加载时能节省大量燃料,确保达到一流效率。
Cold weather equipment - a minimum operating temperature of -10°C (14°F) is standard. An Eberspacher fuel heater for starting to -25°C (-13°F) together with bigger batteries, 5W40 engine oil and Paroil S compressor oil are also available plus a blow-off valve on the receiver tank is also fitted.
COSMOS™ - 该综合的保养维修系统确保掌握机组的确切位置,并能指明每台机器的状态(例如,需要保养的时间)。
The offshore version of TwinAir™ is additionally DNV 2.7-1 certified a mandatory crash frame certificate for the offshore environment. This unit also includes over-speed protection should flammable gas or vapor be drawn in to the intake of a diesel engine, acting as an additional ungoverned fuel supply.
外部电池开关 - 用于在保养或重新安置时隔断电池。
切断燃料 - 欧洲标准中涉及可能存在易燃气体或蒸汽的发动机运行危险区域,它要求在发动机超速运转时自动关闭发动机燃料和进口空气供应。
平台关闭/“黄色”- 连接至中央系统的电路,用于关闭海上平台上运行的设备。

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·通用机械/化工机械展区 > 压缩机/分离/过滤机械展厅 > 压缩机/分离/过滤机械技术动态
Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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