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Objet Announces PolyJet Matrix™ Technology: A New Direction in 3-D Printing 11/21/2007 4:38:00 PM

Objet Announces PolyJet Matrix™ Technology: A New Direction in 3-D Printing

Rehovot, Israel - November 15, 2007 - Objet Geometries Ltd., the world leader in jetting ultra-thin layers of photopolymer, today announced its new PolyJet Matrix™ Technology, the first method that enables the simultaneous jetting of different types of model materials. This innovation opens up virtually unlimited opportunities for closely emulating the look, feel and function of final products, pioneering an entirely new direction in the 3-D printing of models, prototypes and manufactured parts.

Objet's patent-pending PolyJet Matrix Technology works by jetting two distinct Objet FullCure® model materials in preset combinations. The technology controls every nozzle in each print head, enabling combinations of model materials to be jetted from designated nozzles according to location and model type. The ability to manage the jetting matrix provides full control of the mechanical properties of the jetted materials, this allows the user to choose and fabricate the most suitable materials that most closely emulate the target design.

PolyJet Matrix Technology provides the foundation for cutting edge 3-D printing systems that can, in a single build process, print parts and assemblies made of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties.

Furthermore, Objet has coined the term ''Digital Material'' to describe the result of producing a composite substance using PolyJet Matrix Technology.

Digital Materials are formulated by simultaneously jetting two model materials to create new composite materials. The mechanical properties of Digital Materials are different from the two model materials that were used to create the composite. Printing parts and assemblies with multiple model materials eliminates the need to design, print and glue together separate model parts to make a complete model. The savings are evident in printing and post-processing time. Another inherent benefit of the process is the dramatic reduction in the cost of error when creating complex molds for double injection.

''This is an industry first,'' stated Terry Wohlers of Wohlers Associates, Inc., after reviewing the capabilities of the new PolyJet Matrix Technology. ''This opens up exciting new options that before were impossible with methods of additive fabrication. I anticipate strong interest in the technology and materials from a wide range of organizations worldwide.'' Companies that design and manufacture consumer, industrial, and medical products, as well as sporting goods, are among those who are expected to benefit from PolyJet Matrix Technology and Digital Materials. Example products are toothbrushes and razors that typically require over-molding in the manufacturing process, and the grips on other handheld devices, such as communication devices and power tools.''

''PolyJet Matrix Technology presents a revolutionary approach to 3-D printing,'' said Adina Shorr, CEO of Objet Geometries. ''We are looking forward to exploiting the opportunities this technology presents.'' We embarked on this
project, pushing the technology envelope further and as a direct response to our customers' needs. We can now offer manufacturers of consumer electronics, automobiles and other products a powerful way to reduce the costs and risks associated with creating double injection molds, which can be as much as five times more expensive than standard molds.'' In tandem with the release of PolyJet Matrix Technology, Objet is also announcing the first PolyJet Matrix-based 3-D printing system, the Objet Connex500™, the release of which is covered in a separate release. .

Objet will debut its PolyJet Matrix Technology and the first 3-D system based on it at the EuroMold 2007 exhibition on December 5-8 in Frankfurt, Germany (Hall 8.0, Stand H-144).

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries, the photopolymer jetting pioneer, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-dimensional printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. The market-proven Eden line of systems is based on Objet's patented office-friendly PolyJet™ technology. Objet's FullCure® materials create accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3-dimensional models, enabling even the most complex 3-D models to be printed with exceptionally high quality, accuracy and speed. ConneX500™, Objet's latest innovation, is based on Objet's PolyJet Matrix™ technology, which offers jetting multiple model materials simultaneously. PolyJet Matrix jets Digital Materials™ creating composite materials which are fabricated on the fly.

Objet's solutions enable manufactures and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development cycles and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan. Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions.

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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