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可持续之创新-InnoAsia 07即将于12月在香港召开
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/20/2007 8:23:00 PM  佳工机电网
产品设计, 工业设计, 样件打样, 手板制作, 模型制作, ...
InnoAsia 07: Innovating for Sustainability

Technology and innovation is a vital driver for sustainable development. Come to InnoAsia 07 and learn from world experts how they innovate and deploy proper technology in lifestyle products, architecture, mobility, illuminations and materials. Be inspired how new market creation and sustainable technology development can provide business growth opportunities.

Date : December 10, 2007 (Monday)
Venue : Hong Kong Science Park Phase 2

Ms. Jennifer Leonard
Design Researcher & Writer, Co-Author: "Massive Change - The Future of Global Design"
Innovating for sustainability: the social perspective

Dr. Sarah Liao
Former Secretary for Environment, Transport & Works, HKSAR
Technology and Sustainability

Mr. Jacques Ferrier
Jacques Ferrier Architecte
Design of Hypergreen architecture for today

Mr. Peter Hughes
Chief Technical Officer,Vectrix Corporation, USA
America''s Next Vehicle: Vectrix, the world''s first high-powered two-wheel, zero emission vehicle

Mr. Mike LaVigne
Creative Director, Frog Design Inc., USA
A look into the green design mind: The role of the creative agency

Mr. Dan Sturges
President and Founder, Intrago Corporation, USA
Personal Electric Vehicle Systems

Prof. Chris Ryan
Director of Ecodesign, Australia, Co-Director, Australian Centre for Science Innovation & Society, University of Melbourne
Eco Design and Eco Innovation: Be awared, the market is changing rapidly

Dr. Kenichiro Wakisaka
Senior Manager, Business Planning Department, Solar Division, Clean Energy Company Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., JapanSanyo''s new breed of solar technology and its application

Mr. Ted Howes
Design Director, IDEO, USA
Seeing Clearly: Lessons earned using sustainability as a lens for innovation and design

Mr. Kaoru Kubo
General Manager, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
Toyota: Ten years into the development of Hybrid Technologies

Dr. Andrew Dent
Vice President, Materials & Library Research, Material ConnXion, USA
How to choose sustainable green materials for your next generation safe products

For details on Business of Design Week please visit: http://www.bodw.com.hk

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