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Dassault Systemes Announces Version 5 Release 18 of its PLM Portfolio
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/26/2007 12:07:00 AM  佳工机电网
图文档管理系统, CAPP...
Paris, France, September 25, 2007 - Dassault Systèmes (DS) (Nasdaq: DASTY; Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, today announced the availability of Version 5 Release 18 of its PLM portfolio. V5R18 brings unrivalled engineering and enterprise business process collaboration, accelerates PLM adoption for companies of all sizes with industry solutions, and empowers online collaboration for all enterprise users. In addition, it leverages and extends DS’s V5 SOA openness, and delivers enhanced IP protection.

V5R18 delivers enhanced collaboration between enterprise users and engineers, bringing the power of ENOVIA MatrixOne’s collaborative business process (CBP) applications to ENOVIA VPLM engineering users, and vice versa. “The concurrent use of ENOVIA MatrixOne and ENOVIA VPLM will allow Honda to deploy a unified business process that connects complex engineering activities to business process management in a seamless collaborative environment, enabling Honda to deliver new products to market more quickly,” explains Hideyuki Tanaka, manager of Computed Integrated Systems 3 Department at HONDA R&D Auto Tochigi, in charge of PLM. V5R18 closely connects program management and design, synchronizes configured enterprise and engineering bill of materials and unifies change management across the enterprise.

New possibilities offered by V5R18 include new functional modeling capabilities within CATIA which will allow customers to reach new productivity levels when designing and modifying complex parts. In addition, improvements in the electrical and systems domain mean that users can ensure design quality and compliance, from the design desktop.

“With V5R18 we continue to leverage and extend V5 SOA openness, which will deliver powerful IP federated management capabilities, with other enterprise applications – all accessible within the 3DLive environment,” outlines Dominique Florack, Senior Executive Vice President, Products- R&D, Dassault Systèmes. “V5R18 enhances IP protection while strengthening collaboration, leveraging Microsoft’s Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology.”

V5R18 is immediately available through DS and its VAR sales network. It can be ordered immediately through IBM and will ship to customers from 1st October.

For detailed V5R18 brand information, visit: http://www.3ds.com/v5r18


This release empowers end-to-end industry process coverage for composite design to manufacturing, electrical harness design to documentation and printed circuit board design. It also consolidates functional modeling support for the design of complex machined parts extending this unique approach to more manufacturing processes. Powertrain and chassis designer benefit from superior productivity with breakthrough auto-draft capabilities. Lastly, the CATIA – Live FT&A Review available with any 3DLive configuration extends the reach of 3D to a wider community


This release introduces DELMIA PLM Express, role-based solutions for the small to medium supplier / manufacturer. Enhancements in V5R18 deliver a seamless end-to-end final assembly process planning solution and further developments delivered in V5R18 extend the production-ready solutions for the automotive body-in-white domain. Expanding partnerships deliver powerful solutions for robotic painting and predictive weld cable deformation built on DS V5 technology. The release announces the availability of DELMIA 3DLive Shopfloor Review, an easy-to-use shop floor work instruction viewer based on DS’s 3DLive technology.


The combined ENOVIA solutions in V5R18 deliver integrated engineering (VPLM and SmarTeam) and enterprise business process management (MatrixOne). ENOVIA VPLM V5R18 introduces a variety of new digital mockup (DMU) applications which allow early validation of conceptual designs, lowers the barriers to photorealistic rendering, and reduces the risks and costs of protecting confidential V5 PLM information by leveraging advanced Digital Rights Management technology from Microsoft. ENOVIA SmarTeam V5R18 includes simplifed deployment, packaging and usability with SmarTeam Design Express and SmarTeam Engineering Express packages. Usability has been enhanced and unified across Windows and Web environments with Microsoft ® XP/Vista look and feel for desktop users. Robust business modules cost-effectively boost project management, compliance, process automation and collaboration across sites. In addition, SmarTeam V5R18 delivers the first level of 3DLive support through core capabilities for highly visual searching, navigating and collaborating around CATIA-based product information.


About Dassault Systèmes

Leader mondial des solutions 3D et de gestion du cycle de vie des produits (Product Lifecycle Management ou PLM), Dassault Systèmes apporte de la valeur ajoutée à 100 000 clients, répartis dans 80 pays. Pionnier du marché du logiciel en 3D depuis 1981, Dassault Systèmes développe et commercialise des logiciels d'application PLM et des services qui anticipent les processus industriels de demain et offrent une vision 3D de l'ensemble du cycle de vie d'un produit, de sa conception à sa maintenance. L’offre de Dassault Systèmes se compose de CATIA pour la conception virtuelle de produits, SolidWorks pour la conception mécanique en 3D, DELMIA pour la production virtuelle, SIMULIA pour la simulation et les tests virtuels, ENOVIA pour la gestion collaborative et globale du cycle de vie et 3DVIA pour des expériences 3D vécues en-ligne comme dans la vie réelle. Dassault Systèmes est coté sur les marchés Nasdaq (DASTY) et Euronext Paris (n°13065, DSY.PA). Pour plus d’informations: http://www.3ds.com/fr/

CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA, SolidWorks et 3D VIA sont des marques déposées de Dassault Systèmes ou de ses filiales aux USA et / ou dans d'autres pays.

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