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Airbus and European Space Agency to deliver keynotes at the 2011 LMS European Aerospace Conference 8/2/2011 10:32:00 PM
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Leuven, Belgium – LMS International is pleased to announce the 2011 LMS European Aerospace Conference to be held at the Hotel Radisson BLU in Toulouse, France on the 5th and 6th of October.

The conference will host Dr. Constantinos Stavrinidis, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, European Space Agency, Mr. Nicolas Botargues, Head of Vibration & Propulsion Integration, Department EGLAV, Airbus France and Mr. Thomas Wilson, Transnational Head of Aircraft Ground Loads, Flight Physics, Loads and Aeroelastics, EGLLG, Airbus as keynote speakers.

“We are greatly pleased that Dr. Stavrinidis, Mr. Botargues and Mr. Wilson will present their visionary approach to the unique engineering challenges in the aerospace industry” stated Dr. Urbain Vandeurzen, LMS Chairman and CEO, “Our aim is to provide a meeting place for the aerospace community to exchange ideas and find ways to respond to the current challenges in the industry.”

This two-day conference focuses on latest technological evolutions in mechatronic simulation and test-based engineering processes and illustrates their contribution to faster aircraft development and better risk mitigation. Key speakers from the industry will have the opportunity to share their vision and present their strategy to address the next generation of aerospace engineering challenges. The conference is the ideal venue to meet with LMS customers, executives, partners, and experts and discuss best practices and technology updates.

The following companies confirmed their participation:

Airbus, Aeroconseil, Alenia Aeronautica, Boeing, Carleton University Canada, Certia ESA, EADS CASA, Hutchinson Research Center, DLR, EADS Innovation Works, Esterel Technologies, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Microtecnica, National Aerospace Laboratories, Onera, Safran Aircelle, Safran Labinal, Safran Turbomeca, Safran Snecma, Sener, Serms, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Universita Napoli Federico II, KHBO Aerospace, University of Manchester, University of Bristol

Please visit http://www.lmsintl.com/events/lmsconferences/europe/aerospace for more information, registration, and practical details about the 2011 LMS European Aerospace Conference.

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