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ACTIFY ANNOUNCES SPINFIRE™ 10.0 7/30/2011 5:08:00 PM


San Francisco, CA - July 20, 2011 -Actify Inc., a global leader in visual product knowledge solutions, today announced that the latest major release of its flagship product, SpinFire, will ship to customers in August. This latest release will provide significant enhancements to one of the most advanced visual communication tools available for the automotive, aerospace, industrial automation and discrete manufacturing industries. SpinFire 10.0 has over 50 product improvements and offers new and enhanced features, better windows integration, and improved Importer update capability.

SpinFire 10.0 makes 2D and 3D CAD data more easily accessible to both technical and non-technical users. It provides powerful 2D and 3D CAD visualization capabilities, without requiring a native CAD system, in a secure and user-friendly format. This enables access, communication and distribution of multiple CAD formats throughout the enterprise and supply chain allowing companies to realize cost savings and productivity gains in all aspects of product design, quoting & estimating, manufacturing, sales, marketing and support.

Another notable mention in the release of SpinFire 10.0 is the ability to lease the product at a much lower price point

"With the economic difficulties many manufacturers face today, we at Actify want to help solve their business needs, whilst helping their bottom line," said Chris Jones, Actify President. "This is the most robust and highly tested release in Actify''''s history and we want to make it affordable for companies. We have also completely rewritten our CAD interface technology ensuring a greatly enhanced ability to read the numerous supported CAD formats," continued Jones. "This added to some really clever features and makes this a very powerful release that I am sure will delight our customers."

Some key features of SpinFire 10.0 include:

* Thumbnails of the most recently accessed CAD Files
* A really clever feature to instantly see the minimum wall thicknesses within an assembly
* The ability to calculate the projected area of a part or assembly
* All new CAD interfaces

A free trial version of SpinFire 10.0 will be available for download at www.actify.com in August.

To view a preview of SpinFire 10.0 including videos of the new plug-ins, please visit Actify''''s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ActifyInc

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