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LMS International to showcase pioneering mechatronic Vehicle Energy Management solutions 5/14/2011 10:58:00 AM

LMS International to showcase pioneering mechatronic Vehicle Energy Management solutions

UK event promises to attract leaders in the automotive industry

LMS International will present its latest Vehicle Energy Management (VEM) research at the Vehicle Thermal Management Systems (VTMS)conference to be held at the Heritage Motor Centre in Warwickshire, United Kingdom from May 15 - 19, 2011.

Promising to attract leaders in the automotive industry, VTMS is the place to be for anyone involved in the field of heat and vehicle thermal management. Literally a hot topic, mechatronic-based Vehicle Energy Management is just one example of the cutting-edge technology that will be discussed, debated and explored during this 5-day event. LMS will present a paper on the topic entitled, 'Balancing vehicle energy performance and thermal comfort: benefits of a multi-domain system simulation approach in the case of a power-split hybrid-electric vehicle.' The paper uncovers the critical role of system simulation in the vehicle energy management arena. It investigates how best to handle conflicting issues like driver comfort, safety, total vehicle cost and reduced fuel consumption.

In addition, LMS thermal management experts will be on hand at booth #24 to give live demonstrations as well as answer any questions regarding the LMS VEM solution areas: drivability, engine integration and thermal management.

''As part of the latest LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim release, LMS Vehicle Energy Management solutions are highly appreciated by our customers. It provides a way to deal with tough eco-engineering challenges like fuel economy and reduced emissions while optimizing vehicle attributes, such as comfort, performance, drivability and NVH,'' stated Stefaan Goossens, Vice President Simulation, LMS International. ''With our solution, automotive OEMS solve the issue of how to best integrate 'green' engineering into the current development process while continuing to improve performance.''

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