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TopSolid’Wood 2011- Wood-specific functionalities for more productivity
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/8/2011 11:50:00 AM  佳工机电网
TopSolid’Wood 2011- Wood-specific functionalities for more productivityMissler Software will exclusively present the new features of TopSolid'Wood 2011 at the international wood trade show LIGNA, in Hanover from May 30th until June 3rd, at Hall 15 stand B06.

Evry, 22 Avril 2011- Missler Software will exclusively present the new features of TopSolid'Wood 2011 at the international wood trade show LIGNA, in Hanover from May 30th until June 3rd, at Hall 15 stand B06.

TopSolid'Wood is an integrated design, manufacturing and management software specialised for wood processing. It is a uniquely integrated CAD/CAM wood solution that meets the needs of designers, manufacturers and subcontractors in the wood working sector.

Topsolid'Wood 2011 is already available worldwide and offers more efficient functions, as well as precise draft creation, improved parameters and a new interface with hardware supplier Blum.

With the 2011 version of TopSolid'WoodCam, you have access to increased automation possibilities, improved operations and positioning. Finally, TopSolid'Planner and TopSolid'Quote are 2 new, essential tools for anyone working in the wood industry.

To learn more about TopSolid'Wood 2011, click here.

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