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Autodesk SketchBook Pro App Reaches Next Level on iPad 2
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/8/2011 11:01:00 AM  佳工机电网
Autodesk SketchBook Pro App Reaches Next Level on iPad 2Major Update Now Available on App Store

SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK), introduced a new version of the company's popular Autodesk SketchBook Pro for iPad app, designed to take full advantage of the new features and processing power of iPad 2.

''This is our biggest update since we first released SketchBook Pro for iPad, and we're excited to see the limitless creativity and artistic expression that millions of people will produce with this fun drawing and painting app.''

The Autodesk SketchBook Pro for iPad app combines high-quality digital pencils, pens, markers and airbrushes so anyone can create rich, high-quality digital artwork with powerful sketching tools. The latest update of the app leverages the features of iPad 2 to create the highest resolution digital canvas yet, so users can produce quality prints directly from the iPad.

What's more, enhanced interoperability and portability between iOS devices means users can start creating an image on an iPhone and continue working on it on an iPad, or finish it on a Mac. Autodesk SketchBook Pro for iPad now offers 90 new brushes and brush controls. Together with the new customizable palettes and gestures, users can instantly access their favorite brushes and colors.

''Unparalleled sketching capabilities on iPad just got better,'' said Samir Hanna, vice president of Consumer Products at Autodesk. ''This is our biggest update since we first released SketchBook Pro for iPad, and we're excited to see the limitless creativity and artistic expression that millions of people will produce with this fun drawing and painting app.''

New key features of the Autodesk SketchBook Pro for iPad 2 app enable users to:

Import photos directly to the layer editor from iPad 2's camera;

Create high-resolution canvases at 2,048-by-1,536-pixel resolution with up to four layers for an image output of 5-by-7 inches at 300 dpi or 8-by-10 inches at 200 dpi;

Standard 1,024-by-768 canvases can now have up to 12 layers; and

Export and import images through Dropbox within the app to easily transport work between iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Mac.

In addition, an in-app store is now available, offering five new brush sets with unique brush types, textures and stamps, which are free* to SketchBook Pro users.

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