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Hexagon Metrology Launches a New Generation of 3D White Light Measurement Systems
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/10/2011 10:12:00 AM  佳工机电网
Hexagon Metrology Launches a New Generation of 3D White Light Measurement SystemsUnder the Cognitens brand, Hexagon Metrology launches a new white light sensor for portable and automated 3D measurement systems. The Cognitens WLS400 product family celebrates its North American premiere this week in Booth 1508 at the AeroDef show in Anaheim CA.

North Kingstown, Rhode Island - April 5, 2011 - Hexagon Metrology, Inc. announced today the immediate availability of their new white light measurement products in North America. The manual measurement system Cognitens WLS400M and the automated measurement system Cognitens WLS400A replace all former white light products from Hexagon Metrology.

Hexagon Metrology developed both hardware and software for these new systems. Customers can choose between a portable configuration and an automated system which can be operated with all common industrial robots. Cognitens systems are always turnkey solutions including the software suite CoreView by Hexagon Metrology. CoreView version 5.0 software has been configured to achieve improved utilization of the operating system, memory management, and 3rd-party 64bit software. This enhancement is critical in speeding up large point cloud processing and CAD utilization. In one case study, processing time was cut by 80%.

"The WLS400 uses digital stereo vision technology to generate highly accurate 3D data. The automotive and aerospace industry has embraced this technology because it accelerates quality control, and performs well in vibration-prone shop floor environments. The problem of vibration is resolved by the WLS400's ability to shoot and capture 3D surface data in less than 10 milliseconds, as compared to the competitor's rate of 1-2 seconds. Due to the ultra-fast data acquisition rate, any vibration in frequencies up to hundreds of Hz do not affect the results. The outcome is higher data integrity (no ghosting) and no repeat measurements. The device's performance is also not impacted by variable lighting or temperature changes," states Eric Hollenbeck, North American Portable Business Manager.

The new product generation comes with innovative, reliable, and safe Blue Light, LED technology which enables a greater variety of surface finishes to be measured or reverse engineered. This advancement virtually eliminates the use of spray-on developers in all but the most extreme cases.

The Cognitens WLS400 product family will be presented at the Hexagon Metrology Booth 1508 at the AeroDef show held in the Anaheim Convention Center, Hall D, April 5-7, 2011.

About Cognitens

Cognitens is the leading provider of 3D optical measurement solutions for industrial applications. Cognitens dimensional measurement systems help improve engineering and manufacturing processes in automotive and other manufacturing industries. Based on innovations in 3D non-contact measurement technology, Cognitens solutions help increase efficiency during critical stages of preproduction, launch, ramp up and mass production. Cognitens provides tools and processes for capturing, analyzing and distributing highly meaningful dimensional metrology information to support different industrial engineering activities such as tooling, part production, assembly, quality and process control. Cognitens, founded in 1995 is today part of Hexagon Metrology group, the world's largest measurement technologies company. www.cognitens.com

About Hexagon Metrology

Hexagon Metrology serves the high precision measurement and inspection needs of worldwide manufacturers with its extensive line of metrology hardware, software, accessories and customer services. The company's name-brand portfolio of quality assurance products include Brown & Sharpe, Cognitens, Leica Geosystems, ROMER, Sheffield, PC-DMIS, DEA, Leitz and TESA. Hexagon Metrology has an unrivaled installed base of more than 1.5 million handheld, stationary and portable measurement devices, and over 35,000 seats of PC-DMIS metrology software. More information is at www.HexagonMetrology.us.

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