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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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New names make it easier to distinguish between different drill rigs 3/24/2011 11:26:00 PM
钻机, 潜孔钻机, 水平定向钻, 顶管机, 旋挖钻机, ...
Atlas Copco Surface Drilling Equipment is changing the naming structure of the drill rigs in the ROC-family. The new names will make it easier to distinguish between the various drill rigs, as well as clarify the different characteristics of the products. Implementation has started and by the end of 2012 all products will follow the new naming structure.

''The new naming structure is built up in a logical way, in purpose to simplify the understanding of the range'', says Hellen Ekefalk, Communications and Brand Manager, Surface Drilling Equipment.

The product range has been divided into four different categories, four series of ROC drill rigs with the following names: AirROC, PowerROC, FlexiROC and SmartROC. The product series can be described as follows

The AirROC series consists of pneumatic and manually operated drill rigs, easy to operate with simplicity in design and a robust steel structure.

The PowerROC series consists of hydraulic drill rigs with a straightforward design and trouble-free hydraulics.

The FlexiROC series consists of high technology rigs with a medium level of sophistication.

The SmartROC series consists of high technology rigs with a high level of sophistication and equipped with the latest optional equipment to minimize costs in each drilling and blasting operation.

The new structure makes it easier to distinguish between the models and easier to understand the advantages that each category has to offer. It also better defines the segment and application for which each rig is intended. Tophammer, down-the-hole and COPROD drilling methods are used right across the range and this is evident from the individual product designations such as FlexiROC T30 R, where T stands for tophammer and 30 for 3 inches.

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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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