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Celebrating the 25th Edition of CHINAPLAS in 2011
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/12/2011 9:09:00 AM  佳工机电网
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Stepping into a New Era with the Growth of Plastics and Rubber Industries

Since China's reform and open door policy, all kinds of businesses have been thriving for the past three decades. As one of the important pillar industries of its economy, the plastics industry has continuously maintained high-speed development for the past 30 years.

Its average annual growth rate is over 10%, which is higher than the total growth rate of the national economy. Taking year 2010 for example, there were altogether 20,003 plastic products industry companies between January and May, which realized an industrial output value of RMB499.72 billion, and the output value of new products accounted for 4.38% with a year-on-year growth of 32.48% and a sales-output ratio of 97.97%. In addition, the export delivery value reached RMB79.049 billion with a year-on-year growth of 25.77%, and the proportion of exports among sales rose to 16.15%.

For the rubber industry, it experienced a steady growth in 2010. Statistics shows that the realized industrial output value from January to November 2010 was RMB229.23 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 22.1%. The realized sales income was RMB228.02 billion, with a year-on-year growth rate of 24.3%. The realized export delivery value was RMB60.6 billion and its year-on-year growth rate was 35.6%. All these data have shown that the development of China's plastics and rubber industries are flourishing.

Accompanying the Steady Growth of Plastics and Rubber Industries with Deep-rooted High-end Brand Image

The 25th edition of CHINAPLAS will take place this year. In the past two decades, the exhibition experienced many ups and downs, including the Asian financial crisis in 1998, the "9.11" incident in the United States in 2001, the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the global financial crisis in 2008, etc., however, by virtue of perseverance, Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd, the organizer of CHINAPLAS and its team have overcome many challenges, and have made brilliant achievements for many years along with the industry's development and flourish.

In early times, CHINAPLAS was a platform to provide learning opportunities for Chinese enterprises. When recalling the first edition of CHINAPLAS, Mr. Stanley Chu, Chairman of Adsale said, "There were only several thousand square meters of exhibition space and a hundred of exhibitors which were all overseas companies. There wasn't any China-made products and technology at the fairground in the first edition. However, thanks for the growth of plastics and rubber industries after China launched its open door policy, "CHINAPLAS" has become one of the top three international plastics and rubber fairs in the world and is now ranking first in Asia. Large number of overseas buyers visited the exhibition to experience the advanced technology of Chinese enterprises, aiming to exchange technology and to purchase raw materials and machines. Having grown with the plastics and rubber industries, "CHINAPLAS" has witnessed its strong development in the past two decades.

Today, CHINAPLAS is regarded as a must-go exhibition for buyers from different industries to obtain the latest industry information and purchase the most advanced plastics and rubber machines and raw materials. Its popularity makes CHINAPLAS become "the flagship exhibition in the industry", with it authoritative status being deep-seated in the industry.

CHINAPLAS 2011 (The 25th International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries) will be held from May 17 to 20, 2011 in Asia's largest exhibition hall - China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, PR China. The scale of the coming exhibition will continue to grow with a total exhibition area of more than 160,000 square meters. It is expected that the event will attract more than 2,200 well-known enterprises from 35 countries and regions together with pavilions from 11 countries and regions from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, China, Taiwan and India. More than 1,900 sets of machines and chemicals & raw materials will be on display.

Long-standing Support from Exhibitors and Associations

The outstanding achievements of CHINAPLAS over the years have been relying on the long-standing support from exhibitors. Mr. Stephan Greif, the CEO of Demag Plastics Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., the world's leading injection molding company, said in an interview, "CHINAPLAS is very attractive to buyers around the world. You can easily find this from the ratio of the visitors: there were only 5% overseas buyers ten years ago, but now this figure has reached 40-50%."

Another leading company giving loyal support to CHINAPLAS is Mold-Masters, the world's famous supplier of hot runner technology. Ms An Ling, the company's Greater China President also expressed her perception about CHINAPLAS in a recent interview, "CHINAPLAS is in fact more like a new product launch conference than an exhibition. It is a stage for not only Master Mold, but also other hot runner manufacturers and all others exhibitors, to release their new products. Here, we can demonstrate the most advanced technological achievements, as well as share with professional buyers and visitors from around the world the joy, the confidence and the growth brought to us by scientific and technological progress!" These two exhibitors both wish that CHINAPLAS will continue to make progress and greater achievement in the future, showing the deep and friendly relationship between "CHINAPLAS" and exhibitors.

Besides exhibitors, CHINAPLAS 2011 has also won support from various user industry associations, including: Shanghai Federation of Economic Organization, Shanghai Automotive Trade Association, Shanghai Medical Instrument Trade Association, Shanghai Chemical Building Material Trade Association, Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Manufacturers' Association, Shanghai Beverage Association, Shanghai Communication Industry Association, Shanghai Computer Industry Association, Shanghai Toys Association, Daily Chemical Industry Association of Shanghai, Shanghai Motorcycle Trade Association, Shenzhen Electronics Chamber of Commerce, Long Jiang Economy Promotion Bureau, China Plastics Processing Industry Association, Medical Plastic Professional Committee of China Plastic Processing Industrial Association Council, Shenzhen Toys Industry Association and Foshan Mould Trade Association, etc. Their support is a good evidence of the status of CHINAPLAS 2011 in the industry.

Concurrent Activities Celebrating the 25th CHINAPLAS

To celebrate the 25th edition of CHINAPLAS, the organizer will specially hold a series of concurrent events during the exhibition period.

The organizer will launch a "We Build and We Share - CHINAPLAS 25th Edition Celebration eMagazine." The content will include the milestone of CHINAPLAS in the past years, the photos capturing the precious moment at each edition of CHINAPLAS and the congratulation messages from major exhibitors and associations, etc. In order to thank the continued support of all parties, CHINAPLAS will also organize a celebration dinner inviting all friends to share the joy. The guests will include the representatives of various plastics and rubber industries' associations, exhibitors, key buyers, media and so on. All friends may take the opportunity to network with each other and to share and review the development history of CHINAPLAS.

Staging of Green Activities to Keep Abreast of Environmental Protection Trend

The concept of environmental protection and recycling has become extremely important in today's international community. In view of this, CHINAPLAS will organize "Beating Record by Recycling Bottles", a concurrent celebration activity with the theme of environmental protection. A large number of used plastic bottles will be collected in order to make a record-breaking environmental sculpture. More than 80,000 exhibitors, local and overseas visitors will be able to witness this special and meaningful sculpture at the center of the exhibition centre.

Following the overwhelming response of Green Forum, a concurrent activity of last edition, CHINAPLAS will organize a "CHINAPLAS 2011 - Eco-friendly Plastics Conference" this year. The government officials from the mainland and Hong Kong, the environmental experts and leading enterprises from related industries will get together to share their insights on green plastics and machinery. The organizer will invite experts in the industry to speak at the forum with content ranging from the production technology, market supply chain, practical application of low-carbon plastics, successful case study to the breakthrough achievements on research.

Online Visitor Pre-registration Now to Enjoy Fabulous Benefits

CHINAPLAS 2011 online visitor pre-registration is now available. Register online now will allow you to be exempt from the admission fee of RMB 20. You will also receive the visitor badges before the exhibition starts (the offer is only valid until March 15, 2011).

Please visit the official website at http://www.ChinaplasOnline.com

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