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Gumstix Launches Battery-Powered GPS Open-Hardware Platform for Linux®
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/15/2011 2:12:00 PM  佳工机电网
Gumstix Launches Battery-Powered GPS Open-Hardware Platform for Linux®SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Gumstix, Inc. announced the Gallop43™ expansion board, the first rechargeable GPS-enabled expansion board for their signature Overo™ Computer-on-Module (COM) series. Featuring the miniature u-blox™ GPS NEO-5G receiver module, the Gallop43 offers ultra-fast signal acquisition for an integrated location-sensitive design solution. When combined with a two-cell NiMH rechargeable battery pack and a 4.3-inch LCD-ready touch-screen, the Gallop43 expansion board makes portability viable for handheld products powered by any Gumstix Overo COM.

"The Gallop43 expansion board is Gumstix' latest way of saying 'take Linux on the road' to our software and electronic design communities," said Dr. W. Gordon Kruberg, President and CEO of Gumstix. "The combined rechargeable battery and GPS features have been high on our users' wish list, specifically to build the special-purpose hardware meeting their own needs for location based services."

The Gallop43 board adds to the wide range of expansion options already available for the Gumstix Overo COMs, each of which is powered by an OMAP35x applications processor from Texas Instruments (TI). The on-board 3-axis accelerometer, USB OTG, 3.5-mm stereo headset jack and the 40-pin header with signals for 1-Wire, PWM, I2C, SPI, A/D and processor control allow design engineers to make feature-rich products using this off-the-shelf expansion board or incorporate its design elements into a custom designed expansion board using the openly available schematic.

The Gallop43 expansion board costs $109 USD in orders of 1,000 units or more. The Gallop43 is also available in single units and small quantities at www.gumstix.com.

About Gumstix, Inc.

Founded in 2003, Gumstix, Inc. of San Jose California develops, manufactures and markets tiny Linux computers and related products to customers located in more than 50 countries worldwide. Design Engineers embed Gumstix COMs inside their products for military, location sensing, power management, control, data collection, time and attendance, security, robotic and biometrics applications.

For more information, visit www.gumstix.com.

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