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JEC Group launches JEC Americas and announces a strategic partnership with IFAI in Americas
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/13/2011 8:52:00 AM  佳工机电网
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After the creation of JEC Asia in 2008, JEC Group creates JEC Americas in November 7-9 2012 at the Boston Convention Center, Massachusetts, USA.

''After Europe and Asia, we were asked by the industrial sector to bring the JEC Show and the Composites Summit I.I.C.S. to America'' states Frédérique MUTEL, JEC President and CEO.

Mrs. MUTEL points out that ''the American market is very important. According to JEC' s analysis, the composites sector represents in value a worldwide market of around US$ 77,4 Billion (60 Billion Euros) divided between America: 36%, EMEA, Europe/Middle-East/Africa:33% and Asia/rest of the world: 31%. In volume, the worldwide market accounts for about 8,6 Millions of tons divided between America with 35% of the worldwide market), EMEA with 22% of the worldwide market), Asia/Rest of the world with 43% of the worldwide market.''

* Study published by JEC ''The Worldwide Composites Industry - Structure, Trends and Innovations'' - 2010


JEC and IFAI announce the creation of a unique platform combining composites and industrial textiles by co-locating their show and conference on November 7-9 2012 at the Boston Convention Center, Massachusetts, USA.

Mrs. MUTEL comments: ''we are pleased about the alliance with IFAI. Both organizations are trade organizations fully committed to their industries. Both are experts of their sectors and produce high value information products. Together we will deliver a strategic event.''

Stephen M. WARNER, President and CEO of the Industrial Fabrics Association International, agrees with Mutel saying, "Composites are a critical innovative product segment for specialty fabrics. We have tremendous respect for JEC in the leadership they provide for the composites industry. This unique gathering in 2012 allows a blending within the specialty fabrics/composites value chain-material producers, equipment manufacturers, end- product fabricators and composite users."

WARNER notes that IFAI Expo Americas 2012 will also mark the association's 100th anniversary. "The partnership between IFAI and JEC continues our organization's objective that IFAI Expo Americas remains the dynamic and preeminent event for the specialty fabrics industry in North America."

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