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Electric-car pioneer Tesla selects LMS NVH turnkey solution 12/26/2010 9:10:00 AM
乘用车/客车, 电动/混合动力汽车, 卡车/货车, 专用车, 交通安全设备, ...
30 years of leading NVH experience helps Silicon Valley engineers pave the way to revolutionary vehicles

Tesla Motors, the leading innovator of electric powertrains and vehicle design, has selected LMS as its provider of choice for NVH development and test systems. By selecting the flexible and versatile LMS Test.Lab system for its state-of-the-art lab and testing site in Palo Alto, California, this innovative car maker is setting the standard for electric vehicles.

''LMS is setting the standard for automotive NVH engineering measurement systems. Our growing team required a cost effective, flexible and expandable turn-key NVH system and LMS delivered. We are using LMS Test.Lab in all aspects of the NVH development of Model S,'' stated Roger Evans, Manager of NVH Engineering at Tesla Motors.

''At the core of Tesla Motors is the belief that an electric car offers tangible advantages to the discerning customer,'' commented Mr. Peter Rawlinson, Vice President of Engineering with Tesla Motors. ''We are developing Model S to deliver a refined driving experience and LMS Test.Lab delivers the breadth of test capability our NVH engineering team needs''.

Bruno Massa, Vice-President, Test Division, LMS International, ''LMS is constantly working to meet the ever-changing needs of the automotive and other industries for advanced NVH and Durability engineering. Tesla Motors' choice confirms our position as leaders in NVH for both traditional as well as electric and hybrid electric vehicles. We look forward to working with Tesla Motors and others in the world of eco-engineering to understand their unique challenges and deliver the right tailored solutions.''

About Tesla Motors

Tesla's goal is to produce increasingly affordable electric cars to mainstream buyers - relentlessly driving down the cost of EVs. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla has delivered more than 1,400 Roadsters to customers in North America, Europe and Asia. Tesla designs, develops, manufactures and sells EVs and EV powertrain components. The Tesla Roadster accelerates faster than most sports cars yet produces no emissions.

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网址: http://www.siemens.com.cn/plm/lms 电话:86--4000920665
地址: 中国·北京·北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号西门子大厦9层 邮编100101

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