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Autodesk Announces Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD
http://cn.newmaker.com 12/4/2010 4:24:00 PM  佳工机电网
New Technology Preview on Autodesk Labs Enhances Efficiency by Providing Real-Time Feedback on Factory Layouts

--(BUSINESS WIRE)--What's the News: Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK), a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, today announced the availability of Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD software, a new free* technology preview available on Autodesk Labs enabling industrial engineers and layout designers to devise more efficient factory layouts for material handling. The AutoCAD plug-in helps manufacturers adopt leaner manufacturing methods, decreasing waste and improving overall factory efficiency.

What is Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD: The Factory Layout Optimization utility enables industrial engineers and factory layout designers to take existing 2D layouts created using AutoCAD and define the material flow paths and stations inside the factory. The new technology provides real-time feedback on optimizing layout from a material handling standpoint, enabling more precise evaluation of multiple layout scenarios earlier in the design process. The Technology Preview can be applied to new or existing 2D layout designs in AutoCAD 2011, AutoCAD Architecture 2011, AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 and Autodesk Factory Design Suite 2011.

''This technology is an exciting addition to our factory design software capabilities,'' said Scott Reese, senior director, Autodesk Manufacturing Industry Group. ''The Factory Layout Optimization utility will enable our many factory customers to eliminate the guesswork from factory layout and have greater confidence in their decisions.''

Availability: Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD will be available on Autodesk Labs for a limited time. Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD is compatible with AutoCAD 2011, AutoCAD Architecture 2011, AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 and Autodesk Factory Design Suite 2011 software; both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The user interface for Factory Layout Optimization for AutoCAD is in English, but the technology preview is compatible with non-English versions of the supported applications.

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