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ITW Trans Tech Unveils The Latest In Printing Pads
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/23/2010 1:26:00 PM  佳工机电网
ITW Trans Tech Unveils The Latest In Printing PadsCarol Stream, IL November 22, 2010 - ITW Trans Tech is introducing a significant new advancement in pad printing convenience and efficiency. ExpressPadTM, developed over the last few years in response to customer input, is a revolutionary, yet simple, approach to a common pad printing set-up concern. ExpressPadTM, which allows users to replace pads with absolutely no tools, cuts replacement time while improving the preciseness and repeatability of pad placement. Well suited for both short and long run production jobs, ExpressPadTM is available in 60, 90, and 130mm configurations.

''During product testing for the ExpressPadTM system we found that an average customer could save 5 minutes per setup, which could result in time savings upwards of 40 hours per year with the use of this system'', stated Marc Piscitello, ITW Trans Tech's Equipment Business Unit Manager.

ExpressPadTM is available on all ITW Trans Tech AeroTM and SyncroTM pad printing models. Retrofit systems are available for customers using other pieces of equipment.

About ITW Trans Tech:

ITW Trans Tech is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of industrial digital inkjet systems, pad printing systems and related supplies, and has been in the product decorating industry for over 30 years. The company continuously supports its products and customers with the largest experienced team of service experts in North America. Acquired by Illinois Tool Works (ITW) in 1995,Trans Tech has the resources and financial backing of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 organization. ITW has 825+ business units in over 50 countries employing nearly 60,000 men and women worldwide.

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