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IDES Unveils New Medical Plastics Search
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/19/2010 8:29:00 AM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
LARAMIE, Wyo. - The global medical plastics industry is growing at an increasing annual volume, and IDES Inc., the leading search engine provider for the plastics industry, has developed new search technology to help design engineers select medical plastics.

Recent research reports estimate that by 2011, over 3 billion pounds of medical grade plastics will be utilized, growing to over 4 billion pounds in 2015 for the United States. Globally, some 15 billion pounds will be consumed in 2015, as both developed and emerging countries use more medical devices.

"Because of the rapid growth in demand for plastics approved for medical applications and interest from our customers, creating a new and efficient way to access technical datasheets for medical plastics in our Prospector Plastics Database was a clear benefit for the medical design community," said Mike Kmetz, president of IDES.

There are more than 3,400 medical approved plastics listed in Prospector. Datasheets for these materials include property, processing, and supplier contact information. Users can search by ratings like USP Class VI, features like Good Gamma Sterilizability, and uses like Medical Appliances. Access to Prospector's Medical Plastics Search is free.

More information is available at www.ides.com/medical-plastics.

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