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Intertek Awarded Nadcap Accreditation for Aerospace and Automotive Composites Testing
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/27/2010 8:32:00 AM  佳工机电网
阻尼材料, 环氧树脂, 密封胶, 硅胶, 厌氧胶, ...
(Pittsfield, MA, USA) Intertek, a leading provider of quality and safety solutions serving a wide range of industries around the world, has been awarded Nadcap accreditation for AC7122/1, opening up new markets testing non-metallic and class A composite materials for the global aerospace and automotive industries.

The accreditation has been awarded to Intertek's PTL, Pittsfield, Massachusetts laboratory. The lab received Nadcap accreditation for demonstrating an ongoing commitment to quality by satisfying aerospace and automotive materials customer requirements and industry specifications..

''Achieving Nadcap accreditation is not easy; it is one of the ways in which the aerospace industry identifies those who excel at manufacturing quality product through superior special processes. Companies such as Intertek work hard to obtain this status and they should be justifiably proud of it,'' said Joe Pinto, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at the Performance Review Institute. ''PRI is proud to support continual improvement in the aerospace industry by helping companies such as Intertek be successful and we look forward to continuing to assist the industry moving forward.''

''Intertek is honored to achieve Nadcap accreditation at our Pittsfield laboratory. The award verifies the capabilities of the laboratory for composite testing, staffed by experts who understand the stringent requirements of the composites industry. This Nadcap award underlines our and commitment to the aerospace and automotive industries.'' said R. James Galipeau, General Manager of Intertek Plastics Technology Laboratories.

Learn more at: http://www.intertek.com/polymers/composites/nadcap/

And: http://www.intertek.com/polymers/composites/

About Nadcap:

Created in 1990 by SAE Inc., Nadcap is administered by the not-for-profit Performance Review Institute. PRI exists to advance the interests of the mobility and related industries through development of performance standards and administration of quality assurance, accreditation, and certification programs as well as related activities for the benefit of industry, government, and the general public. PRI works closely with industry to understand their emerging needs and offers Customer Solutions & Support (CS&S) in response. www.pri-network.org

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