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S+S presents contaminant detectors and separators for production and recycling 10/20/2010 9:08:00 AM

S+S presents contaminant detectors and separators for production and recycling

At the K 2010 plastics trade fair in hall 10, stand 10E60, S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH presents comprehensive separation and sorting solutions for the complete life cycle of plastics.

The systems that are presented comprise metal detectors and separators as well as magnet systems for all production stages and conveying types in plastics processing, and contaminant separators for plastics recycling. With the main subject of "All about PET" S+S here focuses on PET processing and recycling. All the systems presented at the trade fair are highly sophisticated solutions that represent the result of 30 years of experience.

Reliable processes in PET processing and in the production of caps and closures

At the K 2010 S+S presents innovative solutions for the problem of protecting high-performance injection moulds for preforms or caps and closures against metal contaminations to increase the economic efficiency of the complete production process. In this field S+S presents two new systems:

With the Protector-XHT S+S has successfully developed a metal separator in high-temperature version for processing temperatures of up to 200ºC. The separator is installed directly at the inlet of the injection-moulding machine or after the drier and thus inspects all the fed materials at the last chance control point.

High-performance moulds, e.g. for bottle caps with up to 96 cavities (moulding nests) and more require metal separators with highest scanning sensitivity to protect the delicate hot-runner systems. For this application S+S has developed the Protector-HR metal separator.

Innovative technology for highest value creation in PET recycling

More than 80 percent of all the PET processing companies in Germany and more than 60 percent all over Europe use S+S separators for the reliable separation of contaminants. S+S sorting systems are ideal for PET flake sorting because they guarantee highest product quality that allows a further use of the recycled material in the food sector. Since quality requirements for recycled materials are high and such materials must be competitively priced against new materials, S+S sorting systems with their outstanding flexibility are a future-proof investment because they employ sophisticated technologies and provide high-purity material fractions.

Website: www.sesotec.com

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·塑料机械/橡胶机械展区 > 塑料粉碎机展厅 > 塑料回收机 > 塑料粉碎机技术动态
网址: http://www.sesotec.com.cn 电话:86-021-37005075
地址: 中国·上海·上海市松江区莘砖公路518号13号楼1楼B区 邮编201612

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