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Siemens 西门子数字化工业软件
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Siemens PLM Launches NX with Synchronous-enabled Freeform 10/16/2010 9:06:00 AM

Siemens PLM Launches NX with Synchronous-enabled Freeform

MOSCOW, Oct 12, 2010 - NX product design software, from Siemens PLM Software, now supports synchronous-enabled freeform design. With these new, unique tools, users can create and modify complex freeform geometry with exceptional speed, versatility, and control. With this capability, NX delivers an advanced shaping toolkit that works with any geometry - even imported models.

Simple push and pull shaping techniques mean users don't have to be a surface design expert to create complex freeform models. The freeform modeling tools allow users to begin with solid or surface, analytic or B-rep geometry. You can insert or model organic forms by moving constraint points, surface poles and handles. Surface selection and analysis tools help users control continuity, blending and inflections to create designs with greater aesthetic appeal. These freeform models are completely re-usable, from concept through production.


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Siemens 西门子数字化工业软件联系方式:
网址: http://www.automation.siemens.com/ 电话:86-400-616 2020
地址: 中国·北京·北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号

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