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Z Corporation Announces New ZScan 5.0 Software
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/16/2010 8:58:00 AM  佳工机电网
三维激光扫描仪, 激光跟踪仪, 3D点云软件, ...
Upgrade enables users of ZScanner handheld 3D laser scanners to more easily scan parts of any size, at any resolution within the scanner's range.

10/13/10- BURLINGTON, Mass., USA - Z Corp. today announced a powerful software upgrade that simplifies use of its ZScanner® handheld 3D laser scanners. The new release, ZScan® 5.0:

Enables users to choose any scanning resolution without limits on part size, enabling worry-free scanning of very large objects. ZScanner users simply choose any resolution within the scanner's range and go. Allows raw data generated by different scans of the same reference model to be easily merged - not simply stitched together as a chain of files. This capability, which reconstructs surfaces along the way, is invaluable when more than one scanner is used on the same object or when computer limitations restrict file size. Automatically fills holes. Controlled with a simple slider interface, this new feature gauges the texture that was originally scanned and then applies that texture onto the filled hole, giving users more accurate .stl files. ''The new ZScan release simplifies and accelerates scanning to make users more productive as they capture data for conversion to CAD or physical models,'' said Z Corp. Vice President of Marketing Kevin Lach. ''The result is streamlined development of new and increasingly superior products.''

Included with every ZScanner, ZScan software automatically produces an .stl file from scan data for import into 3D CAD software or output to a 3D printer.

ZScan 5.0 will be available on October 20 at no cost, exclusively to Z Corporation customers subscribed to Standard Maintenance or Software Maintenance service programs. The upgrade is accessible via the company's ZCentral customer portal. For a limited time, ZScanner customers not yet subscribed to a maintenance program can join at a reduced rate, as much as 50 percent off standard service pricing.

About Z Corporation

Z Corporation 3D technologies help product designers, engineers and architects create the right designs the first time. Professionals use ZPrinter® 3D printers, ZBuilder™ Ultra rapid prototyping machines and ZScanner 3D laser scanners to compress the design cycle, generate new concepts, communicate clearly, foster collaboration, and reduce errors. These solutions span the entire 3D CAD/BIM design process from concept through design verification.

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