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Autodesk Expands SketchBook Product Line
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/8/2010 10:32:00 AM  佳工机电网
Company Rolls Out New 2011 Versions of Popular Professional Painting and Drawing Software; Updated Apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK) announced a series of key updates that provide a new look and feel to the Autodesk SketchBook product line, spanning both the desktop and apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

''Millions of professionals and consumers rely on the unparalleled sketching capabilities of the SketchBook products for all kinds of creative processes,'' said Robert ''Buzz'' Kross, senior vice president of the Manufacturing Industry Group at Autodesk. ''The latest releases mark an important step forward, offering a complete suite of sketching and illustration products that address a more complete spectrum of form factors and capabilities.''

Redefining the Digital SketchBook

Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2011 software offers a best-in-class digital sketching experience. A new user interface and easy-to-use toolbar provide more intuitive access to key SketchBook Pro tools, together with enhanced brushes that enable users to more easily switch between drawing modes for lines, rectangles, circles, along with more extensive customization. Users can better express and fine-tune their creations. For example, Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2011 makes it easier to adjust color and contrast, apply layer blends for easier color or effects experimentation, interactively crop images or type in text annotations and descriptions.

Transforming Illustration for Professional Designers

Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2011 illustration software joins the SketchBook product line. Formerly known as Autodesk Alias Sketch, Autodesk SketchBook Designer provides professional designers and artists from all industries with a unique hybrid of paint and vector workflows for more precise design illustration and graphic communication. SketchBook Designer combines the same fluid freehand drawing capabilities of SketchBook Pro with powerful editing capabilities using mouse or pen interactions. Designers enjoy greater creative freedom to dynamically manipulate and transform any combination of paint, vector geometry and fills. What's more, Autodesk SketchBook Designer for AutoCAD is an add-in that integrates sketching and image manipulation capabilities into AutoCAD.

Latest Enhancements to ''Must Have'' Apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

With more than two million downloads and accolades from reviewers, the Autodesk SketchBook Mobile and SketchBook Pro Apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch combine high-quality digital pencils, markers and brushes with an intuitive, multi-touch gesture-based interface that allows users to create everything from quick sketches to high-quality artwork on-the-go. The latest update for the SketchBook Mobile and SketchBook Pro Apps addresses key customer requests including 20 new brushes, user interface enhancements and adds a SketchBook News page.


Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2011 and Autodesk SketchBook Designer are compatible with PC (Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7) and Mac. SketchBook Pro is available immediately in eight languages. SketchBook Designer is expected to be available in English, starting October 15, 2010. For purchase options at online retail outlets and authorized resellers, please visit www.autodesk.com/purchaseoptions.

The SketchBook Mobile App (iPhone and iPod touch) and SketchBook Pro App (iPad) are available from the App Store on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, or at www.itunes.com/appstore. To celebrate the launch, special pricing for both apps will be available starting October 7, 2010, for a limited time.

To learn more about the SketchBook products, visit www.autodesk.com/sketchbookpro.

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