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StackTeck Matrix unveils 4e Technologies at K 2010
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/5/2010 8:54:00 AM  佳工机电网
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StackTeck Matrix, recognized as global leaders in the rigid food, beverage closures and consumer products packaging industry, announces they will introduce 4e Technologies™ at K 2010.

4e Technologies™ represents a philosophy of building products and services focused on minimizing their negative impact on the environment, reducing energy consumption, boosting efficiency and creating a sustainable economic solution for the customer. An industry first, StackTeck Matrix will unveil their first systems, powered by 4e Technologies™, for closures, IML and PET at K 2010.

StackTeck Matrix is responding to a global market need for complete systems solutions that balance the requirement for being product specific and at the same time flexible enough to meet ever changing regional and market requirements. ''The underlying foundation of the new 4e systems line addresses this by utilizing regional best in class OEM partners and products while maintaining a focus on standardization and flexibility.'' says Mike Gould, VP Business Development.

StackTeck Matrix has operations and regional offices in Canada, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam and the USA. During K 2010, StackTeck Matrix will highlight its complete range of products including:

Product Design & Development: Finished product designs optimizing moldability and end use product performance.

Packaging Molds: Patented technologies in single face and multilevel moulds, compact slide action moulds, quick product change, collapsing cores, unscrewing moulds, in mould labeling, multi-layer and multi-material molds and Ritemp® Super Cool.

Automation: In mold and post mold, part handling, decorating, packaging and palletizing.

Systems: Pre-engineered work cells for closures, in mould labeling and PET pre-forms.

Re-Engineering & Support: Business strategy development, current asset evaluation, business re-engineering and transition program development.

StackTeck Matrix will be exhibiting at Booth D09, Hall 1.

Website: www.stackteckmatrix.com

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