SPE Extrusion Division Event on November 10-11, 2010 Will Take Place at North Carolina's State-Sponsored 'Polymers Center of Excellence'
NEWTOWN, CT, U.S.A., September 14, 2010: Taking place two months from now, the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Continuous Compounding Topcon (CCT) will have a novel program that includes the renowned CCT technical conference plus machinery demonstrations and tutorial sessions, it was announced today by SPE's Extrusion Division.
The conference and equipment demonstrations will take place November 10-11, 2010 at the Polymers Center of Excellence (PCE) in Charlotte, NC. Opening the sessions will be a keynote address by David Todd of the Polymer Processing Institute (PPI) entitled The Taming of the Screw—and a Barrel of Fun.
The optional tutorials, covering single- and twin-screw extrusion basics and troubleshooting, will be available before the start of the conference on November 9.
''The technical program will consist of sixteen presentations by many of the industry's leading compounding experts,'' said Dr. David Bigio of the University of Maryland, chairman of the conference. ''By holding the conference at North Carolina's PCE facility, we are able to offer attendees the additional benefit of seeing state of the art twin-screw compounding machinery in operation.''
A detailed agenda for the CCT event accompanies this news release. Information on attending is available at http://www.4spe.org/conferences/continuous-compounding-conference, or by contacting Lesley Kyle at lskyle@4spe.org or 1-203-740-5452.
The POLYMERS CENTER OF EXCELLENCE is a nonprofit organization created by the state of North Carolina to assist the plastics industry. Visit http://www.polymers-center.org/index.htm.