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Actify announces SpinFire 9.0 8/19/2010 10:00:00 AM

Actify announces SpinFire 9.0

San Francisco, Calif - August 17, 2010 -Actify Inc., a global leader in product data collaboration solutions, today announced that its latest major release of its flagship product will ship to customers in September, providing significant enhancements to one of the most advanced visual communication tools available for the automotive, aerospace, industrial automation and discrete manufacturing industries.

SpinFire 9.0 users will benefit from a number of significant enhancements. This is the first release containing elements of a re-architecture designed to take SpinFire forward. In particular, users will benefit from:

* Loading of larger assemblies
* Performance improvements due to multiple levels of details
* Improved data fidelity due to the use of new importer technology
* Broader hardware support, including older graphics hardware
* Enhanced Markup features for notes and dimensions added to a part or assembly, now can be placed on a surface
* Windows7 logo certification

In addition, a large number of customer-requested changes have also been incorporated. Updated versions of all SpinFire plug-ins will also be shipping. SpinFire has also been integrated into SharePoint thus allowing users of Microsoft's market-leading collaboration platform greater access, communication and distribution of multiple CAD formats throughout the enterprise and supply chain. This provides new capability for SharePoint users by allowing companies to realize cost savings and productivity gains in all facets of product design, procurement, quoting and estimating, manufacturing, sales, marketing and support. Those customers desiring an even higher level of integration should contact Actify and inquire about a DesignShare presentation.

For more information , please contact Jinhe information systems co.,ltd.,the certified spinfire reseller in China (http://www.jhsuzhou.com)


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