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Maguire more than doubles throughput of low-cost gravimetric feeder, increasing advantage over complex volumetric units
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/10/2010 10:20:00 AM  佳工机电网
Maguire more than doubles throughput of low-cost gravimetric feeder, increasing advantage over complex volumetric unitsNew-Generation MGF™ Feeder Can Be Linked by Means of Maguire® G2™ Software into Plant-Wide Network Similar to that Available for Maguire Blenders

An advanced model of the Maguire® MGF gravimetric feeder provides more than double the throughput of the original system but has the same compact size and offers the same substantial price advantage over competing gravimetric units, it was announced today by Maguire Europe. The company will introduce the new feeder to the world market at K 2010 (Hall 10, Stand A 26).

Used for feeding colorants and additives into plastics processing machines, the new MGF system is driven by a motor that is smaller than the one in the earlier feeder but delivers material at rates of up to 36 kg (80 lb.) per hour, compared with the previous top throughput of 13.6 kg (30 lb.). Yet the feeder still costs the same as conventional volumetric feeders and is nearly 40% less expensive than competing gravimetric models.

Also new is a networking option that has long been deployed successfully by many users of Maguire® Weigh Scale Blenders. Controllers for the MGF feeders can now be networked with Maguire's Gravimetric Gateway™. or G2™, software. This program provides exhaustive material-usage reports, displays alarms from anywhere in the network, gives access to specific machines from remote locations, and monitors inventory levels.

''The increased throughput of the MGF feeder increases the applicability of this system without any compromise in compactness and affordability,'' said Paul Edmondson, general manager of Maguire Europe. ''At the same time, this advanced system enables more companies to obtain the advantages of gravimetric feeders over the volumetric devices that currently dominate the industry. Gravimetric feeders are simply less complicated, easier to use, and more accurate.''

The accuracy of the MGF feeder stems from the use of load cells to monitor the loss in weight of colorant in a hopper (mounted on the load cell) as the material is fed into the processing machine by an auger. Software in the feeder control scans data on color consumption every half-second and automatically adjusts dispensing when a predetermined amount of accumulated error is detected.

''By responding exclusively to accumulated error over a given period of time, Maguire's proprietary software focuses on real changes in throughput, not transitory or anomalous changes caused by vibration, clumping, or surges,'' Edmondson said. ''Thus the system provides real-time control and absolutely smooth metering consistency.''

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