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Prominent French presence at Innotrans 2010 rail trade show in Berlin
http://cn.newmaker.com 7/13/2010 12:50:00 PM  佳工机电网
铁路养护工具, ...
The Innotrans trade show, a biennial and essential event in the rail sector which will be held in Berlin (Germany) from 21st to 24th September 2010, will host numerous French participants this year. The pavilion organized by UBIFRANCE, the French agency for international development is bringing together the largest number of players from this sector ever to participate in a foreign trade show. Moreover, to support these companies in their export drives, ''International meetings of rail and urban transport'' will be organized at the show. This event will allow French companies to keep themselves informed of opportunities on export markets and meet global rail operators.

The only one of its kind, the INNOTRANS show is a combination of a trade show, a convention and an outdoor exhibition. This concept attracts a growing number of visitors from one event to the next. In 2008, it received over 80,000 visitors and 1,900 exhibitors, half of whom came from 41 countries. This year, nearly 80 companies will be present in the ''France pavilion'', divided into two specialized halls. Many companies are federated by two regional clusters: Northern France Rail, the leader in the French railway industry, and Neopolia Rail Cluster, the rail segment of the Atlantic industrial cluster. And naturally one must not forget the independent companies; they too represent all sectors of rail and urban transport: electronic equipment, ticketing, infrastructure, maintenance, tramways, etc.

The ''International meetings of rail and urban transport'', which will take place on 22nd and 23rd September in the French pavilion, will give these companies an opportunity to meet rail experts from the Ubifrance and French Trade Commissions international network at B2B meetings and multi-country information workshops. It is an effective way to keep abreast of market opportunities, local business set-up methods or partnerships and new business trends. The representatives of the 16 French Trade Commissions abroad will also organize a guided tour of the French Pavilion for the foreign decision-makers of their country who are exhibiting at or attending the show. There will also be a business cocktail party during these meetings, at the French Embassy, sponsored by Colas Rail, Corus Rail, Corys-Tess and Leroy Automation.

Despite the economic crisis, French companies in the rail sector are on balance reporting good results. All the more so as the energy and climate crisis is working in favour of public transport. There is keen interest in high-speed train lines, tramways are making a comeback in towns and regional express trains are popular. The French rail industries sector generated total sales of €4.01 billion in 2008 (including €1.08 billion in exports) and employs a workforce of 16,000. The sector's sales have more than doubled in 12 years (€1.74 billion in 1996).

The French companies will be exhibiting in Hall 3.2 and Hall 6.1. Feel free to come and discover their innovations and know-how!

For any further information, please contact :

Marie-Gabrielle VAILLANDET
Tel : (33) 1 40 73 32 34
Fax : (33) 1 40 73 32 03
Email : marie-gabrielle.vaillandet@ubifrance.fr

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