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BinMaster Super High Temperature Vibrating Rod
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/30/2010 9:50:00 AM  佳工机电网
BinMaster Super High Temperature Vibrating RodBinMaster is pleased to announce the BinMaster Super High Temperature Vibrating Rod for high process temperatures up to 482°F (250°C).

The BinMaster SHT-120/140 vibrating rod features a unique design of the patented re-enforced membrane and a new piezo system.

The SHT is extremely durable and features a standard insulation tube that insulates the electronics from excessive heat.

The entire probe is constructed of stainless steel, and the electronics are mounted inside an IP66 / IP67 aluminum enclosure for advanced protection.

It's built for any type of tough, high-temp application like flyash from coal-fired power plants, biomass and wood bioenergy for materials like wood pellets, cement or aggregates when storing crushed limestone, and many types of plastic manufacturing.

差压变送器, 压力变送器, 压力传感器, 压力开关, 张力传感器, ...

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·工业自动化展区 > 传感器展厅 > 温度传感器 > 传感器技术动态

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