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DSM Introduces Most Advanced Stereolithography Resin
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/7/2010 9:25:00 AM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
In its ongoing commitment to pushing the boundaries of stereolithography (SL) performance for additive manufacturing, DSM Somos has introduced Somos® NeXt-the industry's most advanced resin to date for approaching true thermoplastic performance.

Somos® NeXt produces parts that demonstrate an unprecedented combination of stiffness and toughness which typically characterizes thermoplastics, yet with all of the high feature detail, dimensional accuracy and aesthetics offered by stereolithography.

"This is a material you need to hold in your hand to fully appreciate," says DSM Somos Marketing Manager Vince Adams. "The stiffness/toughness combination produces a look and feel that is so like a thermoplastic, people are really surprised that it's actually stereolithography."

Parts produced from Somos® NeXt are ideal for use in functional testing applications as well as low-volume manufacturing applications where exceptional toughness is required.

"Finished Somos® NeXt parts perform like an engineered thermoplastic, which means our customers can depend on it for functional testing", says Don Portenga Sales Engineer at Eagle Design & Technology. "From the speed at the vat, finish time on the floor, to the enthusiastic response form the customer base, Somos NeXt is a home run."

Applicable market segments for Somos® NeXt include: aerospace, automotive, consumer products and electronics. It is also highly compatible for producing functional end-use performance prototypes including snap-fit designs, impellers, duct work, connectors, electronic covers, automotive housings, dashboard assemblies, packaging and sporting goods.

"The unique combination of mechanical properties is what gives Somos®NeXt its key advantage compared with all previous SL resin options," says Adams. "We beta tested this material among a group of highly demanding professionals who are extremely familiar with various resin technologies and represent a diverse range of application areas. They agree that Somos®NeXt represents a true generational step forward in producing prototyped SL parts as previously not possible."

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