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Coherent Inc. acquires Beam Dynamics for $6.25 million
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/10/2010 9:52:00 AM  PENNWELL
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Coherent Inc. has acquired the business of Beam Dynamics, a manufacturer of laser machining centers, for a reported $6.25 million, excluding transaction fees. Beam Dynamics develops industrial-grade laser machining tools used in a variety of cutting applications, including plastics, fabric, leather, rubber, metal, ceramics and wood, for customers ranging from regional machine shops to Fortune 500 brands.

"As a standalone business unit within Coherent, Beam Dynamics will retain its nimble organizational structure, while continuing to drive innovation and exceed our customers' expectations," said Paul Sechrist, Senior Vice President at Coherent.

Beam Dynamics has been a long time Coherent customer, integrating Coherent Diamond CO2 lasers from 150 W to 500 W, and now 1 kW, into its machine tools. Coherent looks forward to formally integrating the two companies and strengthening its position as a leader in the low to mid-power materials processing space.

Founded in 1966, Coherent, Inc. provides laser-based solutions to the commercial and scientific research markets. Coherent recently opened a CO2 laser applications laboratory in Beijing, China.

"This acquisition allows us to further expand our presence in the materials processing market, achieve closer alignment with customer processes and applications, and more effectively drive development of new sources and tools to meet the needs of the laser machining market. When combined with Coherent's recent introduction of an extremely compact kW CO2 laser, Coherent can take a more active position in the development of high precision, kW level cutting tools in a small footprint. We see this combination as a catalyst to expanding the use of lasers in a host of applications that cannot justify the capital outlay or the physical infrastructure needed of tools significantly larger," said a Coherent representative.

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