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NUM Enhances its Tool Grinding Software with Collision Detection Features
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/17/2010 8:40:00 PM  佳工机电网
平面磨床, 外圆磨床, 无心磨床, 内圆磨床, 万能磨床, ...
Beijing, China, March 17, 2010 --- NUM is extending the power of its world-leading tool grinding software package, NUMROTO, with enhanced collision detection and other new features.

NUMROTO is the leading programming software for producing and resharpening special-purpose tools, and is used in over 2,500 machines worldwide. In the new 3.5.1 version of the software, NUM is enhancing the collision detection capability of the simulation tool. Believed to be an industry first, users can now easily create machine models that will accurately account for all of the add-on and moveable parts of a machine such as supports, tailstocks, steady-rests, and special chucks. This new feature allows truly exhaustive simulations to be carried out on new tool grinding programs, and helps grinding machine manufacturers to engineer more compact machines.

Among numerous other notable new features in NUMROTO 3.5.1 is enhanced protection against grinding wheel overloads, achieved by means of continuous high-precision monitoring of removal rates. This feature automatically flags even the shortest-duration overloads, and can also be used to optimize feed rates and operation cycle times.

Very high precision applications such as grinding form cutters will be helped by another new feature. NUMROTO can now import compensation profiles that have been generated by an external measuring machine, to control subsequent grinding operations that produce the tool's final form.

NUMROTO 3.5.1 also extends the capability of its in-process measurement feature for more grinding operations. Support for several new measurements, especially ones that aid the machining of inserts, are added.

A final notable feature is improved support for tool grinding operators that employ custom code sequences for very special purposes. NUMROTO will now easily integrate and seamlessly simulate proprietary ISO CNC programs in 3D.

"Our focus on supporting the production of special-purpose tools means that we are often the first to be asked for new types of capability, and this NUMROTO release includes several novel capabilities which extend the boundaries of tool grinding programming," says Jörg Federer of NUM.

More information: http://www.numroto.com/

NUM SA, Beijing Office, Room 206, No. 4 Building of Shangdi Science Plaza, No. 8 Shangdi Xi Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100085, PR China. t: +86 10 5885 6751; sales.cn@num.com; www.num.com.cn



At the start of the 1960s, more than 10 years before the CNC control was starting to become widely accepted, NUM's first CNC controller was being developed. NUM's strategy is to help current and future customers to construct better machines and thereby secure a competitive advantage. The company focuses on a number of high end CNC applications, where it undeniably has something extra to offer. Headquartered in Switzerland, and with R&D facilities in Switzerland, France and Italy, NUM currently has more than 35 sales and service locations worldwide. In addition to CNC hard- and software, NUM also develops and manufactures the core products having impact on the overall performance of the system including drives and motors. NUM will also integrate and take responsibility for third party products in specific solutions in close cooperation with partners and customers, to provide a one stop shop for CNC solutions. www.num.com.cn

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