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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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New generation Scooptram ST7 gets top marks at Lovisa Mine 2/5/2010 10:59:00 PM

New generation Scooptram ST7 gets top marks at Lovisa Mine

The latest addition to Atlas Copco's range of Scooptram underground loaders - the Scooptram ST7 - has been given top marks during field tests in Sweden, confirming major advances in performance, productivity, serviceability and comfort.

Atlas Copco's new Scooptram ST7 has been undergoing field tests at the Lovisa lead and zinc mine in central Sweden for almost a year - and has passed all of its trials by a wide margin. Mine Manager Jan-Erik Björklund reports that the Scooptram ST7 has resulted in a dramatic productivity increase in loading operations as well as improvements in the working environment.

''The Scooptram ST7 is just great,'' he says. ''It's been going for more than 2 000 hours and we have seen a productivity increase of almost 100 percent, going from two loads per shift to nearly four. In addition, we previously had four loaders in operation and now we only need one - the Scooptram ST7. ''Only a few modifications have been required during the test period and our operators are very happy with it. They think it is more comfortable to drive and easy to service - so we think it's a good investment for us.''

The Scooptram ST7 has a tramming capacity of 6.8 tonnes, articulated steering and an oscillating rear axle. It is powered by a clean burning, 193 hp 6.7 litre Cummins Tier 3 engine and benefits from traction control to increased loading performance and improved tyre life. A load-sensing hydraulic system increases traction and improves fuel economy.

Key safety features include spring-applied, hydraulically released (SAHR) brakes,
automatic brake testing with diagnostics and logging and an oil-free cabin environment. Safety is further enhanced by three emergency machine stop buttons and a system that applies the brakes, blocks steering, and prevents bucket movement when the cabin door is open.

Scooptram ST7 will be available in Scandinavia, Peru and Canada by mid 2010 and launched globally in 2011.

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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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