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WPCs: more than niche products - with enormous potential
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/4/2010 11:33:00 AM  佳工机电网
WPCs: more than niche products - with enormous potentialWith annual growth rates of some 25%, wood plastic composites rank among the strongest growth segments of the European plastics industry. As has been shown in a study carried out by the British Applied Market Information Ltd., Bristol, a market volume of 140,000 tons will be reached by the end of this year, which means twice the volume of 2007. AMI will honor the significance of this material with a special conference again this year, together with its main sponsor, Cincinnati Extrusion GmbH. The Wood Plastic Composites 2010 will take place in Vienna from 20 to 22 April.

Close-up view of WPC decking

The conference, which will be staged for the 7th time this year, has long established itself as a leading international meeting point for the industry. AMI is expecting visitors from the timber and plastics industries from 30 countries across all continents and, as in previous years, it will offer information about market trends, potentials, business opportunities and latest developments. In addition, visitors will get an opportunity for an informal exchange of experience, for example during the presentation of a WPC extrusion line in full production at Cincinnati's technical lab.

As one of the leading global producers of WPC extrusion equipment, the Viennese machine manufacturer, in cooperation with leading partners, has been supplying turnkey extrusion lines that are perfectly geared to the requirements of these alternative materials. True to its motto of ''leading innovations'', Cincinnati Extrusion also practices continuous improvement in its product lines and will present a new, particularly flexible extrusion line model at the conference. Specially developed for the requirements of WPC, this line offers the benefit of energy-efficient, maintenance-free machine components as well as compact design.

Natural fiber-plastic composites with a content of up to 90% renewable raw materials contribute to establishing sustainable product life cycles through waste-free production and 100% recyclability. From a great number of possible applications, outdoor floorboards (decking) have established themselves as the number 1 with a share of some 66%. WPC products have also secured a strong position in the building industry for both indoor and outdoor applications. Experts estimate that this segment offers the greatest growth potential, as the material features excellent mechanical properties at low cost. Sturdiness, high resistance to environmental factors and weathering as well as low maintenance requirements and a long service life all speak for WPC products.

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