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Eliokem invests in Chinese vinyl pyridine plant
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/4/2010 11:31:00 AM  Eliokem
酯, 醇, 苯类, 醚, 酐, ...
French specialty chemicals company Eliokem is continuing its expansion and investment in China with the construction of a manufacturing facility to meet Asian demand for vinyl pyridine lattices.

With a total area of 30,000 square meters, the plant will be commissioned in second half of 2010, with the first phase dedicated to VP latex manufacturing. The facility is expected to expand the global Pliocord production capacity of the group, which includes the existing Le Havre facility in France, to approximately 20,000 tons per annum.

Located in the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park of Caojing, the plant will allow the company to achieve the largest worldwide production of vinyl pyridine latex, claimed Eliokemis. Moreover, the site benefits from 44,000 square meters of additional land and the proximity of a wide variety of other petrochemical raw materials for further expansions.

Pliocord vinyl pyridine latex is primarily used in the production of tire cord fabric, providing critical adhesion of the cord to the tire's rubber.

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