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Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair 2010 - New High Expected!
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/2/2010 10:36:00 AM  佳工机电网
交流电焊机, 直流电焊机, 气体保护焊机, 埋弧焊机, 高频焊接机, ...
Ranking in the top two trade shows of the global welding & cutting industry, Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair enjoys high popularity and reputation. Since its premiere in 1987, the Fair has already been successfully presented 14 times. It is now a yearly event, alternately held in Beijing and Shanghai, the two largest economic centers and most popular trade fair cities in China.

It offers the best stage for over 800 Exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions including both leading global manufacturers and rising market stars to showcase their products and technology covering the full spectrum of the industry. 30,000 plus Visitors from such industries as machinery manufacturing, auto making, ship building, aviation & aerospace, oil pipeline, pressure vessel, engineering etc in ca. 80 countries all over the world participate in the Fair every year to discover new trends and innovations in the welding and joining industry and to profit from a mutual exchange of know-how.

The fact that the 14th Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair in 2009 still achieved a 15% growth in exhibition area despite the global economic recession, speaks more powerfully than any promotional words. For 2010, the 15th Beijing Essen Welding & Fair is guaranteed to hit a new high once again since till now, 60 days before the application deadline, all the six exhibition halls with an exhibition space of over 70,000 sqm have already been fully booked.

Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair is not a mere trade show, but a comprehensive platform. The numerous business, academic, technological and service activities held either simultaneously or near to the Show time, such as IFWT (International Forum for Welding Technology), CWIF(China Welding Industry Forum), professional conferences, working meetings, contests, symposiums and seminars, offer the most colorful welding and cutting culture to the participants.

May 27-30, 2010 Beijing, China

For more information about the Fair, please visit http:// essen.cmes.org or contact:

Ms. Wen Huijuan
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Tel: +86 10 63972404 Fax: +86 10 63980554
Email: whj@cmes.org

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