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BinMaster® Level Controls and Digi International® Collaborate on Development of BinLink Remote Wireless Monitoring Solution
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/20/2010 9:19:00 AM  佳工机电网
BinMaster® Level Controls and Digi International® Collaborate on Development of BinLink Remote Wireless Monitoring Solution(Lincoln, Nebraska—January 10, 2010) BinMaster Level Controls and Digi International have collaborated on the development of BinMaster's BinLink Web-based bin, tank and silo monitoring solution. The solution enables remote wireless inventory management of stored material from any PC with Internet access. This saves customers time and money by eliminating the need for on-site remote bin level measurements. It also minimizes farm management mistakes that can lead to massive livestock losses due to increased visibility of bin/tank/silo information. The solution includes BinMaster SmartBob2 and SmartBob-TS1 sensors mounted on the bins and a Digi Connectport™ X gateway running the SmartBob application to provide bin level measurement data that can be accessed easily via the Internet.

''BinMaster's customers have been seeking an integrated, turnkey solution that allows them to access bin material levels via the Internet whether they are on site, off site or in the corporate office. The Digi gateway provides the critical interface between the SmartBob sensors and the BinLink Internet-based software,'' stated Todd Peterson, vice president of sales for BinMaster. With BinLink, users can view inventory data on demand or receive automated alerts to their cell phone, PDA or computer when bin conditions meet user-defined thresholds. ''Being notified when bin levels get low allows users to arrange for timely refills, optimize deliveries and prevent product shortages and unscheduled downtime,'' added Peterson.

''The combination of the Digi ConnectPort X gateway and iDigi Tank cloud-based web service provides seamless wireless connections to all the BinMaster sensors,'' commented John Guargenga, vice president of America's sales at Digi International. ''This makes it easy for customers to remotely monitor multiple bins by making real-time bin level information readily accessible. It also provides environmental threshold alerts that help protect expensive, environmentally sensitive live stock and other assets.''

BinMaster is an iDigi Tank Monitoring Solution Partner. Digi ConnectPort X gateways enable centralized data collection and when integrated into the BinLink solution can be used by any type of business that desires remote bin management for one to hundreds of bins for one or many sites. BinMaster's customers span grain, seed, feed, poultry and swine operations, cement, aggregates, mining, plastics, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, food processing, ethanol and biofuels processing - all who can benefit by efficiently managing their inventory via BinLink.

About BinMaster
BinMaster is a division of Garner Industries - an ISO 9001:2000 certified company established in 1953 and headquartered in a 75,000 square-foot manufacturing facility in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. BinMaster is strategically focused on designing, manufacturing and marketing reliable, proven sensoring devices for the measurement of bulk solid and liquid materials for the feed and grain, food, plastics, pulp & paper, power, mining, and concrete industries. The BinMaster product line is sold worldwide and features many diverse technologies for bin level indication and measurement, being well known for its SmartBob2 advanced inventory management solution. For more information about BinMaster, visit www.binmaster.com.

About Digi International

Digi International is making wireless M2M easy by developing reliable products and solutions to connect and securely manage local or remote electronic devices over the network or via the Web. Digi offers the highest levels of performance, flexibility and quality, and markets its products through a global network of distributors and resellers, systems integrators and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). For more information, visit Digi's Web site at www.digi.com, or call 877-912-3444.

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