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WALTER AG 瓦尔特 (无锡) 有限公司
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Walter expands Xtra•tec® Insert Drill range 12/20/2009 6:12:00 PM

Walter expands Xtra•tec® Insert Drill range

Tubingen, December 2009 - In the future the Xtra•tec® Insert Drill drills will also cover the diameter range 36 to 59mm (previously 16.5 to 35mm). The expansion will take place in two stages: the drilling depths 2xD and 3xD will be available shortly, 4xD and 5xD will be available in early 2010.

The B421x has two inserts, outer and inner, as well as a spiral-shape flute for smooth chip evacuation. The optimal balancing of the forces on the two inserts guarantees a low-vibration process and high performance. The drills are ideally suited to cast iron and steel materials as well as stainless materials and materials that are difficult to machine.

Along with drilling, spot drilling on inclined or convex surfaces is also possible as is chain drilling. The wiper edge on the outer insert produces excellent surface finishes, subsequent operations are often no longer necessary. In addition, there is now an outer insert in a low-cost, sintered version.

Left picture: In future available up to 59mm and for drilling depths up to 5xD: the Xtra·tec® Insert Drill from Walter.

Right picture: The insert range for the Xtra·tec® Insert Drill now also includes, along with ground circumference outer inserts with wiper geometry, a low-cost sintered version.

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网址: http://www.walter-tools.com 电话:+86-510- 853 72199
地址: 中国·江苏·无锡市新区新畅南路 3 号

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