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BinMaster® SmartBob-SS Measures Submersed Solids under Water
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/4/2009 9:38:00 AM  佳工机电网
BinMaster® SmartBob-SS Measures Submersed Solids under WaterFor Brine Tanks and Other Solid/Liquid Interfaces

(Lincoln, Nebraska—November 3, 2009) BinMaster® Level Controls of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA announces the SmartBob-SS sensor, which is specially designed to measure submersed solids under water. The SmartBob2-SS sensor option is a proven solution for brine interface applications, when the requirement is to measure the level of solid material below a liquid surface, such as measuring the level of settled salt under water. SmartBob SS is just one of various sensor options that can be used in conjunction with the SmartBob weight and cable inventory measurement system.

The SmartBob-SS sensor drops a weighted Bob through the liquid; when the Bob comes into contact with solid settled material at the bottom of the tank, it retracts and sends a measurement to a SmartBob control console or a PC loaded with eBob software. The SmartBob-SS sensor's special design comes configured with a 3-inch standpipe for ease of installation, a stainless steel cable that stands up to corrosive materials, and a SureDrop cap that prevents the weight from being retracted into the pipe and protects the device from unwanted material entering through the standpipe.

''The SmartBob-SS sensor is an excellent alternative to relying on sight tubes and can be used in any application where solid material needs to be measured under liquid,'' said Todd Peterson, BinMaster's vice president of sales. ''BinMaster is seeing demand for solids measurement in all types of brine applications as well as water treatment, wastewater facilities, food processing, petroleum refining, chemical processing, and salt and metal mining.''

About BinMaster

BinMaster is a division of Garner Industries - an ISO 9001:2000 certified company established in 1953 and headquartered in a 75,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. BinMaster is strategically focused on designing, manufacturing and marketing reliable, proven sensoring devices for the measurement of bulk solid and liquid materials for the feed and grain, food, plastics, pulp & paper, power, mining, and concrete industries. The BinMaster product line is sold worldwide and features many diverse technologies for bin level indication and measurement, being well known for its SmartBob2 advanced inventory management solution. For more information about BinMaster, visit www.binmaster.com.

差压变送器, 压力变送器, 压力传感器, 压力开关, 张力传感器, ...

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