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LANXESS to showcase inorganic pigments at Pulp and Paper show in China
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/17/2009 12:31:00 PM  LANXESS AG
涂料, 油墨, 颜料, 染料, 色漆, ...
German specialty chemicals company LANXESS AG will be exhibiting its products and technologies for producers of laminated paper and tipping paper at the 17th International Exhibition and Conference for the Pulp/Paper and Forestry Industries from September 16 to 18 in Beijing, PR China.

Show visitors will learn that LANXESS Bayferrox pigments can be used in a very wide variety of demanding applications. LANXESS offers paper producers the advantages of a wide color range, pure color shade, excellent light-fastness and good dispersibility.

''LANXESS's long-term commitment to the usage of tailor made Bayferrox pigment for different paper applications helps our customers to optimize their color formulations and achieve consistent quality in their finished products'', comments Dr. Wolfgang Oehlert, General Manager of LANXESS Shanghai Pigments Co. Ltd. and head of the Asia Pacific marketing activities of LANXESS's Inorganic Pigments business. ''We can quickly respond to customers' enquiries and exactly meet their needs with a worldwide network of products, application technology support, and customer services.''

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