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MetoKote Corporation names PPG industries "Supplier of the Year"
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/17/2009 12:23:00 PM  MetoKote
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MetoKote Corporation, an industry leader in protective coating applications—including electrocoat, powder coating and liquid paint—has awarded PPG Industries its inaugural Supplier of the Year 2009 Award.

PPG Industries received MetoKote's inaugural Supplier of the Year 2009 Award during an annual executive technology update on Aug.19. MetoKote recognized PPG for overall excellence in delivering outstanding quality product and service. ''The global success of MetoKote as one of the largest coating applicators in the world would not be possible without the suppliers, whose expertise and experience support our development, production and advancements in the coatings market,'' said DeWayne Pinkstaff, CEO of MetoKote Corporation. ''PPG is continually improving its material to provide us with product that is environmentally green and has been extremely supportive in every facet of our operations to help us deliver top-quality coated products to our customers.''

In accepting the award, Bill Wulfsohn, senior vice president of Industrial Coatings for PPG Industries, called it a great ''honor to accept this award from MetoKote on behalf of PPG, as we pride ourselves in delivering outstanding service to all of our customers. We view MetoKote as one of our top customers, and it is crucial to both of our futures that we work hand-in-hand to deliver exceptional coatings to many different industries.''

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