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Delcam establishes Healthcare Division 9/16/2009 10:40:00 AM

Delcam establishes Healthcare Division

CADCAM developer Delcam has established a dedicated Healthcare Division to provide a greater focus on this increasingly important part of its business. The new Division will help companies across the medical, dental and associated industries to apply Delcam's expertise and experience in taking advantage of the latest design and manufacturing techniques. Delcam's Commercial Director, Bart Simpson, has been appointed as the head of the new Division.

"Companies in the healthcare industry face the same demands from their patients that our traditional engineering clients see from their customers for faster delivery of better and cheaper products,'' explained Delcam's Managing Director Clive Martell. "Patients want to receive higher quality products and services, and they want to complete their treatment in the shortest-possible time. At the same time, healthcare companies are under pressure to provide this higher quality at lower cost and to increase their productivity to meet the growing demand. These requirements can only be met through the application of more advanced and more automated technology.''

Delcam's increased emphasis on the healthcare industry comes at a time when the sector is expanding rapidly and when it is much more receptive to computer-based technology. The aging population in industrialised countries and the growing affluence of the emerging economies mean that the healthcare industry is seeing global growth. Through its existing engineering business, Delcam is established in more than 80 countries worldwide and so can provide international support to larger healthcare providers and original equipment manufacturers.

Equally, Delcam's focus on the toolmaking and subcontracting industries means that the company's staff are used to dealing with smaller companies on a local level. All Delcam offices, whether wholly-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures or independent resellers, are renowned for the high level of support they provide to all their customers.

Delcam is, of course, already active in many areas of the healthcare business. Its design, reverse engineering, machining and inspection software are used in a wide range of applications from the production of prostheses, through to the manufacture of surgical instruments and all types of medical packaging. This is especially true for the PartMaker machining system for turn-mill equipment and Swiss-type lathes. These machines are used extensively for the manufacture of medical and dental components, to the extent that around 70% of PartMaker sales already come from the healthcare industry.

In addition, Delcam has introduced several specific products for the healthcare market over the last two years. These include the DentCAD and DentMILL programs for the design and manufacture of dental restorations and the OrthoModel and OrthoMill software for the development of orthotics. The company also offers special versions of its CRISPIN range of footwear design and manufacturing software for the production of orthopaedic footwear.

The common theme with all these products is that they take existing Delcam technology and add a dedicated interface that uses imagery and terminology from the healthcare sector. This makes the software easy to learn and quick to use for healthcare professionals, even those that are not familiar with using computer-based design and manufacturing.

B超诊断仪, 心电图仪, CT机, 眼科设备, 裂隙灯, ...

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