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Next generation precision cleaning and product finishing system
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/26/2009 7:53:00 PM  佳工机电网
Next generation precision cleaning and product finishing systemCold Jet, the world leader in dry ice blast cleaning and production technology, has introduced the new i3 MicroClean precision dry ice blast cleaning and product finishing system. Featuring Cold Jet's patented shaved dry ice and feeder technologies technology, the i3 MicroClean provides manufacturers with an environmentally responsible and safe way to clean delicate surfaces and complex mold cavities and crevices that other methods can't reach. The precision cleaning system cleans without abrasion and while molds are still hot and in the press, which significantly reduces cleaning time and impact on production.

Cold Jet's patented shaved dry ice and feeder technologies deliver consistently sized shaved dry ice particles for complex cleaning and product finishing applications. The i3 MicroClean is a low-flow system that requires less ice for optimum performance on micro-cavities and molds with unique geometries, while the variable feed allows for optimized ice-to-air ratio and minimum waste. The i3 MicroClean is ergonomic, user-friendly, and can help manufacturers increase production cycles between preventative maintenance, reduce costs and reduce secondary waste.

PVD涂层设备, 电镀设备, 热镀锌设备, 超声波清洗机, 静电喷粉机, ...

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