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Delcam CRISPIN releases new shoe upper design software 7/19/2009 9:01:00 PM

Delcam CRISPIN releases new shoe upper design software

Delcam CRISPIN, the leading supplier of CADCAM software to the footwear industry, has released a new version of its ShoeDesign software for upper design. The main change in the new release is a revised user interface, which has made the software easier to learn, and simpler and more intuitive to use. Even the most complex styles can now be produced within a few hours.

Using ShoeDesign speeds the development of new styles by allowing faster creation of original designs and by using photo-realistic images to reduce the need for physical samples. The free Delcam CRISPIN 3D viewer, which can be downloaded from www.footwear-cadcam.com, allows 3D designs to be communicated to clients worldwide for their comments. Adjustments to the design can be made within minutes then resubmitted for approval within seconds. When physical samples are needed, ShoeDesign can output designs to be rapid prototyped for design and marketing reviews.

ShoeDesign can also reduce the cost of developing new designs. Features created in 3D allow manufacturing issues and costs to be analysed and changed early in the design process. This reduces the cost of making the changes and minimises the possibility of problems arising at the manufacturing stage.

In the latest version, the development of styles in ShoeDesign is controlled through a new "Activities'' toolbar that covers the complete process from the import of the last shape through to the export of the finished design. The software allows the user to draw style lines directly on the last; apply colours, textures, padding and material thicknesses to the various elements; and then add features like stitching, eyelets and laces, or accessories such as buckles and trims.

The wide range of material textures, accessories and features supplied within ShoeDesign allows different design concepts to be created and evaluated quickly and easily, whether they are fashion, conventional or sports-type styles. The new release has made it easier for users to add and use their own libraries to speed the development of footwear ranges for particular brands or OEM customers, as well as to develop their own company design specifications.

Of course, ShoeDesign can be fully integrated with other software within the Delcam CRISPIN range. In particular, sole units created in SoleEngineer can be imported into ShoeDesign to generate a complete 3D model of the whole shoe. Since both parts can be generated from the same last design, the software will guarantee that they match accurately. Similarly quick, accurate flattening of the formes and design lines within ShoeDesign can generate the data required for 2D pattern engineering.

Delcam CRISPIN is unique in being able to provide software for the design of both uppers and soles, and for 2D and 3D manufacturing. This broad range of programs has been a major factor in establishing the company as the leading supplier of CADCAM to the footwear industry.

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·佳工网友 黄生 (Email) 于6/3/2011 12:30:00 AM评论说:

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