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Agr introduces the OptiCheck™ vision inspection and gauging system
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/30/2009 7:58:00 AM  佳工机电网
Agr introduces the OptiCheck™ vision inspection and gauging systemAgr introduces the OptiCheck™ vision inspection and gauging system for plastic containers at the 2009 NPE show

Agr International Inc., a leader in the development of quality and process management devices for rigid containers unveiled its latest product for plastic container manufacturers, the OptiCheck™ vision inspection and gauging system., at the NPE show held in Chicago during the week of June 22.

The OptiCheck™ system introduces a new level of vision-based quality management and process monitoring that takes into consideration the day-to-day variations in the production of plastic containers. The OptiCheck™ system offers a versatile, easy to operate and expandable approach that is compatible with frequent product change overs, color changes and limited line space. Unlike many other vision-based inspection products, the OptiCheck™ system is designed specifically for bottle measurement and inspection applications as well as the process control needs of the plastic container industry. This system offers a robust and versatile set of proven bottle-specific inspections as well as lighting and measurement routines suitable for the wide range of containers produced for the pharmaceutical, beverage, food, household chemical and personal care industries.

The OptiCheck™ product is configurable to include finish/seal surface inspection module, sidewall inspection module or a combination thereof.

Finish/Seal Surface control:

Finish related variations are a critical concern to bottle manufacturers. The OptiCheck™ finish/seal surface module provides a means to monitor and actively manage finish defects and helps ensure proper closure fit and function. The OptiCheck™ finish/seal surface module offers both in-line gauging of critical finish dimensions and defect detection for seal-surface related problems, in one compact unit. For finish gauging, the OptiCheck™ system utilizes a multi-camera imaging system to provide 360 degree coverage of container finishes sized from 20-80 mm. LED-based back-lighting and high resolution imaging of the finish profile provide accurate dimensional tolerance measurement regardless of finish diameter and position of the container on the conveyor. Among the many capabilities of this system is the ability to monitor critical dimensions, including ''A'', ''T'', ''E'', and ''H'' as well as user-defined finish diameters and vertical finish dimensions on every container with high accuracy and repeatability. The OptiCheck™ system gives operators the ability to define an unlimited number of measurements along with independent, multiple thresholds per dimension that can be used to facilitate process control. In addition to dimensional gauging capabilities, the OptiCheck can also monitor and identify defects related to improper finish formation and/or cut, seal surface flatness and presence of flash.

For seal surface, the OptiCheck™ system incorporates a dedicated camera for inspection and detection of common finish defects. A sophisticated LED lighting system along with robust image analysis algorithms are designed expressly for optimal seal surface imaging and accurate identification of defects such as short shots, nicks, dents and scratches in seal surface as well as chocked necks, blown finishes and a myriad of other common abnormalities found in the bottle production process.

Sidewall Defect management:

The OptiCheck™ sidewall module provides the basic inspection requirements to effectively monitor and manage sidewall defects that commonly occur in the bottle production process. Four cameras provide 360º inspection for common defects in translucent materials. Defects detected by the system include folds, crystalinity, contamination, foreign materials, opaque spots, holes, color and thickness variations, dimensional changes, missing or distorted features, flash and other related occurrences.

The OptiCheck system is an extension of AGR's CVIS line of products and incorporates a number of the CVIS products' value added features including a footprint that requires only 24 inches of line space. Designed for use in tabletop conveyor applications, the OptiCheck™ system can operate at throughput speeds exceeding 36,000 bottles per hour and has the flexibility to accommodate container sizes up to 15 inches (381 mm) tall. This system incorporates the latest vision and inspection technology including high resolution gigabyte-ethernet cameras and variable multi-spectrum LED illumination for maximum flexibility and reliable operation with a variety of container shapes, color and sizes. Key features in addition to easy job setup include multiple adjustable ROI tools, digital image filtering, zone scaling, trademark masking as well as the ability to capture and hold a large set of images for evaluation or setup purposes. In addition, the OptiCheck™ system offers a number of tools to assist operators with setup as well as managing their processes. A high resolution, touch screen user interface is the center for system operation and provides a host of information for the operator. Information available includes data for monitoring line status and assessing production trends, detailed defect and reject information, production-run summaries data as well as live and historical images. Continuous measurement data is also available via CSV or Ethernet for interface to a plant-wide information system or remote monitoring.

The OptiCheck™ system is another part of a broad line of process monitoring and measurement products offered by Agr International for glass, plastic and metal container manufacturers. Agr International Inc., develops and manufactures a full line of laboratory and on-line testing/quality control devices for containers and similar products. The AGR headquarters and main manufacturing facility is located in Butler, PA, USA.

For further information contact: David Dineff, Product Marketing Director, Agr International, Inc., Butler, PA, USA. Phone +1 (724) 482-2163 or email ddineff@agrintl.com.

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