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http://cn.newmaker.com 6/18/2009 10:44:00 PM  佳工机电网
阻尼材料, 环氧树脂, 密封胶, 硅胶, 厌氧胶, ...
JEC Asia 2009 reflects the composite industry's tremendous growth in Asia

Following the overwhelming success of the inaugural JEC Asia Show in 2008, where more than 300 leading players in the composite industry showcased their innovations and cutting edge technologies, the 2nd annual JEC Asia Show will be held at the Suntec Centre in Singapore on 14-16 October 2009.

This Show reflects the tremendous growth potential of the composite industry in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It brings new composite solutions and ideas to help the industry emerge from the current economic crisis.

Technological content customized for Asia
This year's theme will be:

Automation of manufacturing processes: How to produce more while optimizing prices, quality, safety and environmental impacts? Where to buy new materials? From whom? How to adopt new technologies? Who are the best suppliers for machines and equipment? How to find the best partners?

Access to the final market

Significant public direct investments and favourable regulations are boosting the growth of the main markets. JEC Asia will highlight exchanges & meetings with end-users from the construction, infrastructure, aerospace, automotive, marine, and renewable energy sectors, with a specific focus on wind energy. Natural fibres and biocomposites will provide new green solutions for housing, automotive and transportation, consumer goods, etc.

The spotlight this year will be on the achievements of composite companies in countries such as Australia, China and Taiwan, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and Japan.

An Asian composite market worth €18 billion: Huge opportunities for composite industrialists
As JEC President and CEO Frédérique MUTEL says: ''In Asia, the composites market is mainly driven by economic growth. Since 2002, Asia has experienced high growth rates, at around 8% p.a. In 2000, Asia represented 25% of the global composite consumption. Now it represents 42% with a value of 18 billion euros. It could reach 50% in 2013. With major growth markets in China and India, along with interesting growth in the Middle-East, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, without forgetting the stable consumption in Australia, Japan and South Korea, the current composite market amounts to 18 billion euros. The outlook for the composite industry in the Asia Pacific is quite bright.''

The industry is comforted by JEC's high-value brand and quality of service

The JEC Asia Show 2009 is being organized by JEC, the strongest international composite organization. JEC has secured participation from major companies all over Asia-Pacific, including new countries this year: Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Vietnam. The Show will be supported by leading exhibiting companies from every segment that makes up the value chain of the composite industry: raw material producers (glass, basalt and carbon fibres, thermoplastic and thermosetting resins, natural fibres), semi-product and part processors (compounds, prepregs, core materials, fabrics, hand processes, SMC, GMT, BMC, injection, RTM, RIM, pultrusion, lamination, centrifugation, filament winding, etc.), equipment and software manufacturers, distributors, research centres and institutes.

Major companies like Atea Environmental Technology Ltd, Australian Composites PTY Ltd, Autonational BV, Balseurop Ecuato Espanola SL, Dassault, Deyili Plastic Machinery Co Ltd., Hengshi Fiberglass Fabrics Co. Ltd., Huamei New Composite Materials Co. Ltd., Fleissner GmbH, Jushi, Lynden Air Cargo, MCLUBE Asia PVT Ltd., Nida Core, Pôle de Plasturgie de l'Est, SAHM Winder + Systems, Structiso, etc. recently confirmed their participation.

Seven national pavilions have already been confirmed for the 2009 session, including Australia (new in 2009), Taiwan, India, Japan, China, South Korea and France.

Connecting Science, Technology and Business

There will also be support from the scientific community and institutions such as Hanyang University (South Korea), NUS (National University of Singapore), A*STAR, BCA (Building and Construction Authority), LTA (Land and Transport Authority), Stanford University (USA), STB (Singapore Tourism Board) and EDB (Economic Development Board).

A high-quality programme to be held at the JEC Asia 2009 Show in October

· 3 exhibition halls (2 in 2008) for key industrial players to showcase composite solutions and services,
· Business meetings to facilitate business connections between exhibitors and visitors (new in 2009),
· End-user forums devoted to the main composite markets: aeronautics, automotive/mass transportation, wind energy, construction/building/civil engineering,
· An economic conference and a technical conference,
· Innovation Programme to reward current innovations which use composites in the different application fields,
· Technical lectures on the latest advances in materials and processes,
· Innovation Showcase, displaying composite products and solutions chosen for their technical and economical performance.

Singapore, a strategic location for business events

Singapore has been chosen for the JEC Show Asia due to its exceptional location at the crossroads of the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Its ultra-safe environment (political stability and no terrorist threat), high-quality service, sophisticated infrastructures and affordable accommodation and transportation make Singapore one of the world's best possible locations for business events. Singapore is an acknowledged aeronautical hub and financial platform, with many universities and headquarters of multinational companies.

For more information on how to exhibit or visit JEC Composites Asia 2009 Show, log onto www.jeccomposites.com

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