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NPE2009 - See how Power Efficiency's E-Save Technology can save you energy
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/4/2009 8:30:00 AM  佳工机电网
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NPE2009 - See how Power Efficiency's E-Save TechnologyR can save you energy and money on your existing equipment by visiting us at Booth 110822

Many technologies have proven to save energy and electricity costs on a variety of plastics machinery. Granulators are an example of plastics machinery that consumes large amounts of energy. For equipment such as these - its motors operate at variable loads, and wastes energy when the machine is lightly loaded or not loaded at all. There is a technology available to counter this problem called E-Save Technology®, which was developed by Power Efficiency Corporation.

Power Efficiency's patented E-Save Technology improves the efficiency of electric motors in granulators and other variable load, constant speed applications. E-Save Technology monitors the load on an electric motor and reduces the amount of power consumed by the motor when it is lightly loaded. By conserving energy, E-Save Technology saves money by reducing energy bills and supports sustainability programs to reduce CO2 emissions.
Improving motor efficiency on plastic manufacturing equipment can provide a significant amount of energy savings to help meet the industry's energy-reduction goals. For example, case studies completed on granulators at Graham Packaging Co. LP (York, PA) and Berry Plastics (Anaheim, CA) showed 37% and 44% savings, respectively.

Power Efficiency Corporation will be exhibiting at NPE 2009 at booth #118022. Our booth is located in the West Hall near the New Technology and Emerging Technology pavilions. The company is promoting an exclusive offer for NPE 2009. Attendees and exhibitors can receive the following offer at the show by visiting our booth:

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