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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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Atlas Copco launches new hydraulic rock drills for underground long-hole drilling 5/26/2009 4:27:00 PM

Atlas Copco launches new hydraulic rock drills for underground long-hole drilling

Atlas Copco has launched two new versions of its well proven COP 1838 hydraulic rock drill - the COP 1838MUX and COP 1838HUX - which are intended for use in underground long-hole drilling.

External flushing head

Both rock drills have been equipped with external flushing head, a feature that are now standard on all Atlas Copco tophammer rock drills that have extractor unit for back hammering in underground long-hole drilling.

The external flushing head gives improved serviceability when changing flushing seals, since the extractor unit does not have to be removed. This means that there is no need to re-torque the side bolts afterwards, and fewer tools are needed for the operation.

In addition, the external flushing head minimizes the risk of water intrusion on the rock drill, increasing the life of vital components.

Standard feature

''With this introduction, the external flushing head will be a standard feature on all rock drills equipped with extractor unit used on our Simba production drill rigs'', says Patrik Ericsson, Product Manager Production drill rigs at Atlas Copco. ''In this way we are minimizing downtime and at the same time cutting spare parts costs.''

The new versions will replace the COP 1838MEX and the COP 1838HEX rock drills. An upgrade kit with external flushing head will be available for the old versions.

For more information about COP 1838MUX/HUX, visit our website: www.atlascopco.com/cmt

Photo number: ac0031763. The new COP 1838MUX and COP 1838HUX hydraulic rock drills increase serviceability by combining external flushing head with extractor unit.

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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
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