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Pit Boss Dewatering Pumps from INGERSOLL RAND
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/21/2009 8:50:00 PM  佳工机电网
Pit Boss Dewatering Pumps from INGERSOLL RANDThe ARO Fluid Technologies division of Ingersoll Rand Industrial Technologies has released a new line of portable air-operated diaphragm pumps specially developed for mining, construction, sump and other operations where a reliable, de-watering and solids handling pump is an every day requirement. Pit Boss pumps are built to handle the toughest applications while ensuring high flow rates of up to 821 L/min. Notably, they are equipped with a diaphragm that lasts up to four times longer than competitive models and with a patented air motor that guarantees worry-free operation without ice over or stall out.

Pit Boss TM pumps deliver industry-leading performance with powerful suction lift and impressive flow rates of up to 821 L/min to cover the most demanding operations. If semi-solids and solids are an issue, optimized flow passages enable transfer of fluids with particles up to 1" (25.4 mm) in diameter. Pit Boss TM pumps also have one-way exhaust check valves, enabling submersion if there is a need to place a pump deep in a sump or hole.

Pit Boss TM pumps are built to withstand extreme conditions and provide the highest levels of reliability. Decades of development have given rise to diaphragm designs that last up to four times longer than competitive models. And while other pumps frequently ice over or stall out, the Pit Boss pumps´ patented air motor designs ensure worry-free operation. A removable screened inlet, furthermore, keeps foreign particles out of the pumps in order to eliminate failure related to pumping debris.

The pumps also feature collapsible comfort-grip handles for convenient portability. They are available in three discreet port sizes (1,5», 2» and 3»). An integrated base plate distributes weight and ensures operation on soggy and unstable terrain.

Air-operated Pit Boss TM pumps are intrinsically safe and can be used in hazardous areas and explosive environments without fear of ignition-related sparking.

Pit Boss TM pumps are built with serviceability in mind. Bolted construction allows for faster and easier maintenance, especially compared to competitive models featuring band clamps. Readily available service kits are also provided.

水泵, 罗茨泵, 螺杆泵, 齿轮泵, 离心泵, ...

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