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BMS Vision features Production and Energy monitoring at PDM 2009
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/21/2009 9:11:00 AM  佳工机电网
BMS Vision features Production and Energy monitoring at PDM 2009At this year's Plastics Design & Moulding (PDM) show in Telford (19-21 May 2009), BMS Vision will showcase EnergyMaster, a real-time tool focussed on cost effective energy management, alongside PlantMaster, a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for discrete plastics manufacturing.

In a constant strive to provide its customers with solutions for efficiency and quality improvement, BMS Vision is proud to introduce ENERGYMASTER, a real-time tool focussed on cost effective energy management.

With soaring energy prices, energy costs have become an important factor in the total cost of the final product. It is therefore equally important to monitor energy consumption of the various production machines as it is to monitor efficiencies and quality levels.

This new software package can be installed as a stand alone solution or as an extension to PLANTMASTER or any other MES system BarcoVision offers to the market.

ENERGYMASTER brings answers to the following questions:

- What machine or department consumes most of the energy?
- What are the causes of peak loads?
- How does the cos φ evolve over time?
- What is the energy consumption of a specific production run?
- What is the energy consumption when the plant is shut down (base load)?
- Is there any abnormal energy consumption noticeable during the day, week, month…?
- And many other energy related questions…

ENERGYMASTER offers a set of very useful energy consumption reports. Some reports can be defined as exception reports; others can be e-mailed to department managers in order to assist them instantaneously with critical situations.

ENERGYMASTER is used to define an energy efficiency plan. Targets are compared with actual consumption. CUSUM reports show whether the overall consumption is decreasing or not. Regression reports allow analysis of the relation between production volume and energy consumption. Finally, ENERGYMASTER is a great help for the creation of ''Energy awareness'' in the plant, which can result in a drastic reduction of the energy bill.

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